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- 𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑎 𝑃𝑜𝑣 -

  Ryan's eyes kept wandering to my face like he was looking for something. I didn't know exactly what to say to him. After i got off the phone with my dad He could already tell that I was in trouble and was nice enough to offer me a ride home. When I tried to declined his offer he blankly ignored me. He then handed me a pair of sweatpants and pointed me to the nearest bathroom. He told me to tell him when I'm ready to go and because I knew i couldn't argue with him, i just nodded.

I looked back and watched as the curly little boy play with his carseat. He definitely has to be Ryan's because the resemblance is uncanny. His eyes are light brown with the slightest hint of green, but as i look closer Ryan's irises are definitely more of a darker shade of brown. I hadn't even noticed that Ryan been staring at me as I watched his son.

"like kids huh?" he laughs.

I flinched and turned my head back around facing the open road. I put my head down in embarrassment. "sorry he jus-"

"he just looks like me?" Ryan smiles finishing my sentence, "probably cause he's my son."

I look up at him. His features are so welcoming I can't even begin to describe it. His hair is curly as well but he has more loose curls then his son. His honey toned skin reflects from the sun making him look like an angel. Not one of his features given are dark and dangerous, it's like he's the definition of light.

Which makes me automatically think back to Antonio how he is the complete opposite and that i love that,

he is dark but not scary, dangerous but not evil, broken but not shattered.

he holds a purpose that no one could probably achievement but him. He hind everything and holds on to all, He probably doesn't think about me in this type of way. I wonder what made me think about him this way? he change my perspective. He made me look deeper into everything.

"Liliana?" Ryan says looking in my orbs,"you okay?"

"yeah sorry was just lost in thought" i laughed awkward. I don't know how long i dosed off for.

"yea that's what I figured," he smiles.

I look out the window for a little, I watch as the houses turn into nothing but blurs. The wind from the window that Ryan had cracked open a little, touches my nose making me dose off again but this time it's just in silence. Like the world had disappeared.

"ms w-wily are you scared going home?" the little voice awakes me from my dose. I smile at the mis pronounce of my name, it's so adorable. I look over at Ryan who just is smiling looking at the road as his one hand on the wheel. I look back at the curly hair boy and can't help but smile.

𝓟𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝓐𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now