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 — Ten minutes Early—

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Ten minutes Early—

I looked out my meeting room window, resting my face on on my fist thinking of mi bella. The way her prefect full lips felt on mine. The way she blushs when she's nervous. I could memorize every single details of her but I would still think I don't know enough about her. I know I don't really know her but I don't fucking care. I want her. All of her. No body can have her but me. I want to feel her beautiful body on mines and her lips on-
{translation: my beauty}

"What do you think, Mr Ferrari?," The tall blonde hair women asked, snapped me back into reality. All of my other subordinates face the front of the table where I sat. I don't usual zone out on meetings but her voice was so boring and I was distracted. I quickly scanned her project. I stopped at the fact that I hated every part of it. It had everything about using money without gaining any.

"I think that you've wasted my time," I say sternly looking as her face fell apart. "Restart it."

"b-but mr Fer-" she attempts

"Do I have to repeat myself?" I ask raising my one eyebrow. She nods her head no and looks down.

"Your all dismissed." I stated looking back out the window. I hear rushing of paper and loud heel sounds as they all flee the room.  I would of gladly fired her but for some reason I didn't have the urge to ruin her life today. I honestly hate the states, I usually don't have to deal with this shit but because of Donte's death I must. I can't wait to get my hands the fucker that killed him. Because of him I have to find someone to take over the Companies in the states. I don't want to be bothered with this bullshit while I got other things to take care of.

I let of a big sigh as my mind races back to the thought of her. I get up to look fully out the window to see if I can get a glimpse of her. But then I remembered that I told her to stay in the car. I look around to see if I spot Louis but he's no where to be found, not even his car. I go in my pocket to get my phone so I can call him but it's not there.

𝓟𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝓐𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now