phase one: feel out the giraffe with the help of a mood ring dildo

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[dedicated to arcticpeters and horizonharry bc they are honestly the loml. They make me laugh to the point of tears, smile to where my cheeks hurt, and all the support they give is so indescribly beautiful i can't put it into words. check out their writing especially luke and pillow talk (plus emani's rants and covers but if you give hate i'll shank you). we are the holy trinity except mani is my mary magdeline so shes taken hoes, #marsus af. anyways, enjoy this first chapter babes x]

It was Friday night, date night, their night.

Parents were at a church group meetings, friends were out getting wasted, while Marlene and Cass were having a 'sleepover'.

The two girls stood at their stations in the kitchen, the coffee skinned girl stirring pasta, while Marlene tossing a salad, burners lit and music humming from the makeshift speaker, an iphone balanced in a glass cup.

Cooking was one of their favorite things to do together, but staring at boiling water and chopping up carrots can only be so fun, so rightfully so, things had the tendency to wander.





Especially with Marlene in leggings that clung to every curve and her hair pushed out of her face and lip biten in consentration, Cassidy found staying put impossible. Placing down the spoon, wiping off her hands, her feet padded againist the cool tile floor. Wrapping arms around the girl she loved from behind, placing her head in the crook of her neck, taking in her familiar scent, it was impossible not to feel enarmorment with her. A smile spread across her pink lips, "What'cha doing baby?"

A giggle fell from the cherry red lips Cass wanted to kiss bare, leaning back into the taller girl and pressing a chaste kiss to her neck."I'm trying to make salad, but you're making that hard to do."

Her hands finding the olive skinned girl's hips, giving a teasing squeeze and earning a shiver when her breath fans across the familar traces on curl clad neck. "Well maybe I wanna toss your salad."

"Only if I cook your pasta.", her back now pressed againist the counter and laughs falling from their lips, Marlene's tiny feet rest inbetween Cass' bare ones.

Her hands working their way up to waist, with a slight tug the apron clinging to a cutely lazy outfit is undone, peppering kisses up smooth tan skin. Shakey breathes and eyes fluttered close, lashes gentley grazing the tops of her flushed cheeks, Marlene pulled Cass closer by wrapping arms around her neck. Pulling away only to move the now limp fabric hanging, lips found skin one again, hands wandering down to the curve of the hazel eyed girl's bum. Gripping on to the back of her legs, fingertips circled softy, mumbling into her skin, "Jump, babe.", a light squeeze pressing.

Wrapping her fabric canvased legs around waist, eyes meet briefly and lips unattach as the smaller girl is perched on the countertop, her legs spread slightly and caging in the dark skinned girl. Fingers curling around raven tresses, a smile curving on her biten lip, heavy breathes seem to drown out the soft rock flowing through the air. Her fingertips tracing the outline of her jaw, her eyes dance across the beautiful girl's features. A smile curving on now smearly stained lips, "I love you."

Feet swinging slightly back and forth, soft hands grazing put them at rest. Pinky lips suckling right below the seated girl's ear, light presses skirting from her lobe to the bend of her cheek, tears welling slightly in the black girl's eyes. "I love you more."

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