battle of the mind

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Morgan, William, Rain, Stella, Kane, Ciara, ceris, and ser Patrick all stood around the table in the war room, "By your own timing, the nerther Horde stop their attacks and advances, apart from the few hunters, why is that?" He asked, Morgan was thinking the time was quite convenient.

"Maybe they're scared," William said, the entire room looked upon him, with a look that made him seem insane, "what it was only an Idea," he said shrugging, Morgan had an Idea.

"not scared but planning, you said it your self, there stopped attacking, and sent out hunters, after William and Charlie, there want us for something, why? I don't know but it's a theory as good as any," he said.

"But why you?" Rain asked.

"That I can't say, it was only a loose theory," Morgan answered, morgan turn back to Ser Patrick, "If we going to help you fight this war we going to need some armour and weapons beyond my revolve," Morgan said.

"and Charlie's umbrella," William joked. "By chance do any of you how to sew or knit?" William asked, most of the room looked at him as if he was insane, except for Ser Patrick.

"I do, I've been showing Lady Azura well at least before our last battle, she is currently in the same place as your friend, why?" He asked.

"Charlie's coat needs fixing,"

Charlie was walking in the woods, he recognised the woods the one by his house from when he was a kid the same woods he used to walk the dog, he knows this wasn't right, it was clearly a summer day, but he was in his winter coat and scarf, he had a dog lead in his hand but no dog, on top of that the last thing he remembered was very different, a snowy forest filled with monsters and sword mad people with different colour eyes.

"Hello?" He called out. There was no answer, he walked for a bit longer, there was no one and a few more things were off, little bits like dirt mounds that haven't been there for years, and half the house that was built next to the woods were half there and half not, he stopped, "okay, okay, this is not right, what is going on here?" He asked very loudly.

"well if I were to guess I would say this is a projection that your mind is using to help you defend against invasion from another mind," charlie spun around looking for the source of the voice, his first look he couldn't see anyone upon the second look he saw morgan? But different almost as if it wasn't his natural face.

"Morgan?" He asked, the image looked down.

"oh so that's what your mind made me look like," he said.

"My mind? What are you talking about? What are you?" Charlie asked.

"ahh, always question with you people, okay we are in your mind, your it's trying to defend you from outside, it happens very rarely, I am... Well how best to put it," he said.

"you're a manifestation of my mind trying to help," charlie said, the image thought for a second, "yes will go with that, the truth is a lot harder to explain," he said.

"But how? if I'm experiencing this how is it in my mind?" Charlie asked the morgan image sighed.

"It is all very complicated, BUT the important thing is we find you a way out," he said

"wait, you said something about an invasion?" charlie said, as he finished a sound almost like an aminal roar, followed by a creature, it stood up like a human but its body was made of smoke its eyes red and holding two pure white swords, it roared again.

"yep, that's what a meant," Morgan said, charlie grabbed a large stick from the ground.

"en-garde," he said holding it in a fencing position.

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