The Battle

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Bloom's POV...
The burned ones are attacking alfea. Aisha, Stella, and I flee to the forest in hopes that the burned ones will follow me. I manage to actually transform into "full fire fairy." They are right on our heels. Time to fight. They keep coming at me and I kill them all; however, in the process, one cut me. I should be fine though since they are all dead.
Sky's POV...
The burned ones flee the school and I'm not sure why. I hear the headmistress whisper I herself, "Where is Bloom?" "Headmistress, what was that?" I inquire. "Oh nothing, " she lies. "Headmistress?" I inquire again. "The burned ones...they want her, " she whispers. No! This is not good. I run to the stupid welded shut doors when someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see Silva. "Sky where are you going?" he demands. "To help Bloom, " I respond. "You need to stay here where it's safe!" he says. "Not going to happen, " I respond. Riven comes over to us. "What's going on?" he asks. "I need to get out, " I say quickly. "Why?" Riven asks. "To help Bloom, " I respond trying to open the door. "Where is she?" Riven asks. "Fighting the burned ones, " I respond. "Oh my lord, " Riven says. "Well hurry. Let's get you out of here, " Riven says ramming into the doors. "Oh, goodness boys..." Beatrix says blasting the doors open. "Thank you, " I say. They nod. Riven comes with me surprisingly. Beatrix blasts the doors shut. We run as fast as possible and then we see her. She just blasted what looks like the last burned one. "Bloom!" I shout. She turns my way. "Sky?" she calls. "What are you doing here?" she asks. She takes a step towards me and then falls to the ground. "Bloom!" Stella, Aisha, Riven, and I call. I run towards her. "Bloom are you okay?" I ask helping her up. "Yeah yeah I'm fine, " she responds. I hug her.
Bloom's POV...
Sky kisses me. Someone clears their throat and we look over and see Headmistress Farah. "Bloom are you okay?" she asks. "Yes Headmistress, " I respond. We look down at the dead burned ones which are now specialists. It's bewildering, to say the least. Aisha and Stella run over to hug me and I grimace a bit from the pain from my wound. I stumble a bit. "Bloom are you sure you're okay?" Aisha asks. I nod. "She is just weak. What she did took a great deal of power, " Farah says. "Help her back to school, " Farah instructs. Sky and -surprisingly-Riven help me back to school. "I can walk on my own you know, " I huff. They all laugh. When we get back to the school Terra, Beatrix, Musa, Sam, Dane, and Silva come rushing over. "What happened!" Musa asks. They all explain. "It was truly epic, " Stella says. "Don't exaggerate Stella, " I laugh. "No she's right Bloom, " Aisha says. "I'm going to call my parents before it's gets too late over there, " I lie. I go to Terra's dad's office. "Sir?" I ask. "Yes?" he answers. "I need help with something that I don't want anyone to know about ok?" I say. He nods. I show him my burned one wound which is on my left side below my ribcage. "My concern is that the burned one that did this was already dead when he fell on my side and did this, " I explain. "Oh my, " he says. He gives me medicine and bandages it up. "You will tell no one about this understood?" I inquire. He nods. I get some rest. In the morning, I go out to the circle and just look up at the sunrise. It's probably time to go back. On my way back I see Stella rushing up to me(gracefully as always). "Bloom there's a mandatory assembly starting hurry!" she says. I go as fast as I can with my stupid cut. I walk into Headmistress Farah giving a speech. "We believe as of now that the burned ones are gone, " she announces. "This would not have been remotely possible without in particular one fairy that saved us all, " she says. "Bloom will you come up here?" she calls gesturing to the podium. I try to shrink in my shoes as much as possible hoping nobody actually makes me go up there. "Bloom go, " Stella and Aisha urge. I shake my head. "You're nervous, " Musa says. "Yeah no kidding, " I laugh. "Where is Bloom?" Farah asks. "She's right here!" Beatrix points. "Beatrix!" I hush. "Go Bloom, " Terra says. Everyone parts to make a walkway. I walk hastily to the podium. "This young lady saved us all last night and she risked her life to save us. We owe her our lives, " Farah says. "Well Farah I didn't do it alone my friends helped me, " I say. "Oh?" she inquires. "Miss Farah don't listen to her we honestly didn't do a single thing!" Aisha yells. Dang it. "Well I think Bloom deserves a round of applause, " Farah says. Everyone cheers. "Would you like to say a few words, Bloom?" Sarah asks. She hands me the microphone and as I'm about to say something I see someone walk in. I've seen him in pictures. That's Sky's father, Andreas. I hand the microphone back to Farah. Nobody else has seen him yet. I get down from the podium and walk towards Sky. "Bloom, what's wrong?" Sky asks. "Do you trust me?" I ask. He nods. "Then step this way and look at the back of the room, " I instruct grabbing onto his hands and pulling him in the aisle. "Bloom what is it?" Riven asks. Sky turns to where his father is. He looks shocked. Everyone turns that way. "Go, " I whisper. He runs over to his dad. Then Queen Luna's troops come in. They arrest Silva for the attempted murder of Andreas! Oh my goodness. Things are pretty hectic for the next few days. There is a prom coming up so everyone is getting ready for that. Ben of course asked Musa to go with him. Riven asked Beatrix. Terra is going with Dane. Stella, Aisha, and I haven't gotten asked by anyone. Prom is still a week away buuuut still.

To be continued...

Hi guys this is my first Winx saga story so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm already working on another chapter so it will be out very soon! Please comment your thoughts and vote! It make any day. Sorry that the selection stories aren't on my new acc yet but I got inspired to do this and I wanted to work on it asap. Love y'all! Btw if you don't know I'm @balletbeauty22 that acc stopped working so the old stories will be put on here and updated as soon as possible.

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