Asking her

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I go out to the circle once again and I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and it's Sky. "Hey, " he says. "Hey, " I respond. "Any plans for the day?" he asks. "Stella wants to take me prom dress shopping, " I groan. "Oh fun, " he laughs. "What about you?" I ask. "Not sure. I have training later but that's it, " he says. "Fun," I say. "You look quite tired Bloom, " he says. "Thanks, " I laugh. "You okay?" he inquires. I nod. Definitely not okay the infection is I don't know what to do. There might not be anything I can do. I'll tell some point. "BLOOM!" Stella calls. "Ugh see you later, " I groan. "Good luck, " he calls. "I'll need it, " I say. I'm starting to walk with a slight limp. Stella and I go shopping for prom dresses. "Now you should have something red or orange, " Stella instructs. I nod. I want something that'll cover my wounds but I can't tell her that.
Sky's POV...
I want to ask Bloom to go to prom with me, but I want it to be special. I start a group text message chat with Riven, Terra, Stella, Musa, Sam, Aisha, and Beatrix. "Hey I need you guys' help with something..." I text. Almost immediately Terra text back, "Ooo with what?" "Yeah Sky with what?" Aisha texts. "Haha I bet I know what this is about..." Riven texts. "Spill Sky, " Beatrix texts. "Sky it better be important I'm prom dress shopping with Bloom, " Stella responds. "Haha man, I wish I could read people's minds over the phone, " Musa responds. "I don't, " Aisha says. "Whats up Sky?" Sam responds. "Well I wanted to ask someone to prom but..." I start. "OMG, YOU'RE ASKING BLOOM ARENT YOU!!!" Terra responds. "Well yes actually, " I respond. "Haha, I knew predictable lollll, " Riven texts. "You better make it special!!" Stella replies. "That's why I'm texting you guys!" I respond. "Any ideas?" I inquire. "Plenty..." Stella replies. "I'm thinking her favorite flower bouquet (which by the way dragon lilys big surprise right?! Lol) under a rainbow of light but under the stars. Do y'all have a special song? If so then that. If not I'll send you some options ;) I'll handle her outfit and well Sky just dress nice will ya :b then rose petals and candles. Do y'all have a special place?" she texts. "Stella it's a promposal not an ACTUAL proposal, " Beatrix replies. "Oh I know you could only dream of what I have in mind for their actual proposal ;)" Stella texts. "STELLA!" I reply shocked. "Oh do you plan on breaking up with her after the first few dates Skkkkky?" Aisha asks. "Not what I meant!" I respond. "Anyways guys I love Stella's idea, " Terra text back. "Same!" Musa replies. "Agreed, " Sam says. "Ill help on just whatever y'all decide, " Riven responds. "I like it, " I respond. "Umm now answering your questions Stel umm no music actually. I guess the circle honestly, " I respond. "The circle?" Stella inquires. "Yep, " I respond. "Ok. Figure the rest out I can't text and shop all day, " Stella responds. "I'll handle the nature around y'all and the flowers!" Terra says. "I'll help Terra, " Sam replies. "I'll handle the candles, " Musa responds. "I'll help you make sure you're ready, " Riven says. "You mean we'll help him, " Beatrix corrects. "Kind of a guy things Beatrix, " Riven responds. "And who knows what a girl likes to hear?" she responds. "And who'll make the whole thing awkward, " Riven says. "Why don't you just make sure Bloom or anyone else doesn't go near the circle or Sky's room, " Aisha suggests to Beatrix. "Eh can I scare people away?" she asks. "Nicely, " Aisha replies. "Ok, " Beatrix responds. "I'll help Stella and Bloom when they get back, " Aisha says. "Thank you guys, " I respond. A chorus of you're welcomes and no problems come across. We start doing our parts to make everything perfect.
Bloom's POV...
We finally find a dress for me that Stella approves. She also gets ones for the others.

 She also gets ones for the others

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