Eira Final Part

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When I wake up from my hallucination of Sky being stabbed to death I'm standing in the forest. Sky on the ground in front of me being held down by Beatrix and Midnight. "Let him go!" I cry. "We will for the price of the dragon flame!" Beatrix cackles. "Bloom don't!" Sky yells. Electric handcuffs crackle around his wrist. "If I do this what happens?" I ask. "Then we use it to takeover obviously," Midnight blabs. "MIDNIGHT!" Eira and Beatrix both yell in unison. "What?" she asks oblivious. "You weren't supposed to say that," Eira facepalms. We hear voices in the forest shouting Sky's name. "We have to get out of here quick!" Beatrix growls. Arrows start flying at Eira, but when she starts dodging them one hits me in my chest. Crimson blood spills over my clothes. "Bloom!" Sky roars. The last thing I see before my vision starts to cloud black is the three girls running. I feel Sky untying me. "Bloom don't give up on me!" he begs. He cradles me in his arms on the ground. I summon my last bit of strength and a firey dragon comes out of my chest and into Sky's. "Bloom no," his voice cracks. He tries to put pressure around my wound. His eyes glow red and orange. "I love you," he begins to cry. He kisses me. "I love you too Sky," I say with my last breath.

A/N: Hi everyone! It breaks my heart to complete this story FOR NOW. It still is subject to continuation in the future. I sadly cannot juggle life along with the many original stories I'm writing at the moment! They're all fiction, but my original stories and not fanfiction. Although I love fanfiction I've been itching to write something of my own creation. If you wouldn't mind check out my profile and check the stories out! My personal favorites are
1. The Lost
2. His Employee
3.Life of Royale Knights
And yes in that order!
Thank you all so much for your dedication to this story. I love you all and I promise all of the stories listed above are current works in progress so they will be updated until finished. With much love,

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