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"So you're an empath...what's your point?" I ask. "You're lying...part of you is extremely happy. Why is that?" Musa asks. "What really happened in there Sky?" Stella smirks. "Wipe that smirk off your face, " I say. "Tell us, " Terra begs. "Not in front of the professors, " I laugh. The professors look at me. "It's nothing bad...just weird to say in front of your teachers, " I shrug. Bloom moves a bit and we all turn to her. Her eyes flutter open. She holds her head. "What happened?" she groans. "Bloom, what do remember?" Riven asks. "Umm running out of the office and then seeing Sky in an ice sphere then that's it, " she says trying to sit up but fails. "Why am I so weak?" she asks agitated. I go over to her and I help her sit up. "Sky what happened to you?" she asks. "Just a little heat, " I say holding her hand. "Someone please tell me what happened, " Bloom begs. "You went psycho, " Riven shrugs. "Riven!" I exclaim. "Well um Bloom you got quite upset and then you were engulfed in flames and then there was this gold mask on your face and you well tried to burn anyone that got in your way. Then you went to the circle and let's just say there was quite a bit of fire, " I explain. "There was more than a bit of fire, " Riven says. "That's for certain, " Beatrix says looking at her phone. Bloom looks at me and her eyes tear up. She looks down at the burns on my chest and abs. "You mean I did that..." her voice trails off. "Yes, Bloom, " Musa says. Bloom starts crying. Rosalind comes waltzing in. "What happened!" Rosalind demands. "Oh, Sky you look like hell, " she says getting side tract. Bloom cries even more. Silva, Andreas, and Luna explain. Musa grabs Bloom's other hand and it calms her down a bit but makes Musa tear up. "So what happened?" Rosalind asks again. Silva explains. By the end, Bloom finally stopped crying and was calm. "Bloom is this true?" Rosalind asks. Bloom nods. "I thought I taught you better than that, " Rosalind spats. "My apologies, " Bloom says looking at the floor. Rosalind makes Bloom levitate somehow. "Training now, " Rosalind demands. "Rosalind that's ridiculous!" I say. "Yeah, you can't make her do that!" Terra says. "The kids are right that would be absurd!" Andreas says. "No, she's training end of the discussion!" Rosalind barks. "I doubt she used that much power to where she couldn't!" Rosalind continues. "Ok let's go, " Bloom gives in. "Bloom, " I say grabbing her wrist. "I'll be fine Sky, " she assures giving me the weakest smile. They walk out to go train. "Sky you're very nervous, " Musa says looking nervous herself. "She is going to push Bloom too far like always, " I say. "Doesn't Rosalind get Bloom upset to train?" Stella asks. Silva and Andreas exchange a look. "What?" Aisha asks. "We have to stop this, " Silva and my father go running out of the room. I bolt after them. "Everyone else stay here, " Harvey demands. I see Brandon in the hall and he comes. When we finally get out there we see Rosalind right over her shoulder. There are tons of flames all around and Bloom is in tears. "ROSALIND!" Silva yells. She turns our way and Bloom glances over. My father and I run towards Bloom while Rosalind comes over to talk to Silva and Brandon. Bloom looks at both of us and I say, "Bloom you can stop, " I whisper. She looks over at my father. "It's okay Bloom...let go, " my father says. She wipes her face. "Thank you, " she cries. Before today I don't think I have ever seem Bloom so upset. It breaks my heart to see her like this. She tries to stop crying but you can tell she still needs to. I hug her and she starts sobbing again. My father even looks sad. My father walks over to Silva, Rosalind, and Brandon. "This is not how we agreed to run the school!" my father exclaims. "We agreed to do whatever we needed to make students achieve their full potential, " Rosalind argues. "But safely!" Luna exclaims. "She's clearly the best fairy at this school but she stills needs to be safe!" Silva interjects. "I know I'm just a student but I agree with them Professor Rosalind, " Brandon says. "Now leave the students alone for now Rosalind, " Luna declares. Rosalind scowls. Bloom finally calms down and she looks at me. "Why do they have to be dead?" she asks. "Maybe they aren't...maybe they are just in hiding or something, " I reassure. "Maybe they didn't want me..." she starts. "Nonsense Bloom, " I say kissing her. "Bloom?" Rosalind calls. "How about we train tomorrow once you are rested?" she asks. "Rosal-" I start walling toward her and Bloom holds me back and cuts me off. She makes fire in her hands and walks towards Rosalind. "How dare you use my parents as fuel and then expect me to train tomorrow, " Bloom snaps. Rosalind starts backing up. Bloom and I go to my room to watch a movie. She ends up falling asleep so I let her sleep in my bed and I go to sleep on the couch.

So sorry that this wasn't released within 24 hours I totally blanked out on that there was Easter lol oops. Anyways I promise I will start updating faster and please comment and vote! If you have any ideas comment them or message me...sadly my email isn't working so I will only he able to respond to the comments but I will still get the messages so if I use them you will get credit for original idea and a SHOUT OUT!! Love y'all! 💖

The Winx Saga: Sky and BloomWhere stories live. Discover now