Eira Part 3

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Bloom's POV...
Since I was cleared from the medical wing I've returned to regular classes. Sky and I are going on a date tonight. "BLOOM!!" the girls squeal bursting into my room. "Time to get you fancied up for your date!" Musa says. They all gather around me and start pulling out a bunch of dresses until we finally decide on this timeless red one.

Once I'm dressed for my date I rush down to meet Sky

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Once I'm dressed for my date I rush down to meet Sky. "Hello gorgeous," he says kissing my forehead. "Hi Sky," I smile. He takes my hand and we walk outside. "Up for a walk in the gardens?" he asks. I nod. "How're your powers doing?" he asks. "They're still rather weak. I was cleared for classes but I can only do so much," I inform. "Well I'm glad you're okay," he says wrapping an arm around me. "I'm just glad Eira is gone," I breathe. "I know love," he says. We sit at a beautiful antique stone table and Sky pulls out a picnic basket. He unboxes the sushi and soups. "Oh, my this smells delicious Sky. How much trouble did you go through to get this here though?" I ask. "Only the best for my girl," he says. "So what're your plans for the rest-" he starts. A bolt of ice hits him and he falls to the floor. "SKY!" I shriek. "Bloom run," he manages to grunt out. I'm swept up into a lighting storm. I black out.
Hours later...
I wake up in a dark cottage. "Girls she's awake," I hear someone cackle. I yawn and a jolt of electricity hits me. "Wake up Bloom," Beatrix smirks. "Ugh, what do you want?" I groan. "I thought we made it perfectly clear," the other girl says. "Who is she?" I ask Beatrix. "Midnight," the girl answers instead. "We want the dragon flame Bloom but after all the trouble you and your precious boyfriend put us through to get it..." Eira says. "We thought we would torture you a bit," Midnight smiles. I watch her purple hair swirl as I feel myself slipping into darkness. The last thing I see is a purple blast of energy and then I see Sky standing in front of me. "Sky?" I call out. "Bloom I'm so glad you're okay," he says running up and kissing me. "Hey lovebirds get a room," Stella remarks off to the side. We have a huge group hug. I feel my hand get wet and look to see Sky bleeding. He was stabbed. "Bloom," he coughs.
To be continued...

Cliffhanger!! Sorry, this isn't as long as usual but I wanted to get a chapter out as soon as I could! Sorry, it's been a while life has been crazy. Please check out my brand new book "His Employee." It will most likely be my fastest to update. It's been something I've wanted to write for a while but life got in the way and I finally finalized the idea and put it in print. I promise to get you a new chapter of this when I can. Please comment your thoughts on this and on my new book and feel free to comment anything you would like to see and you'll get credit. Thank you to all of my faithful readers. I love you all!

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