The argument

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Silva's POV...
"That was too much Rosalind. You could've killed her, " I say. "I agree with Silva, " Andreas says. "She is a very powerful fairy and she needs to reach her full potential, " Rosalind insists. "She will but why did you push her that far?" Andreas says. "Rosalind, do you even know what Bloom has been going through since the battle?" I ask. "Praises?" Rosalind inquires. "No, " I respond. I pull up the video on my phone from earlier. Terra videoed it so if it ever happened again we would remember what to do. I fast forward to the worst bits. She looks shocked. "Oh...I didn't know. Sky tried to tell me but I didn't listen. Oh well, " she shrugs like it's no big deal. "I think we need a new headmistress, " Andreas says. "Agreed, " I nod.
Sky's POV...
Aisha comes into the suite. "What happened?" she asks. "Rosalind made her train and transform, " I explain. "Rosalind??" she inquires. "Farah is no longer headmistress...Rosalind is, " I explain not wanting to tell her that Farah is dead. "Is Bloom okay?" she asks. "She's exhausted. She was in a simulation where she had to fight at least two dozen burned ones." "Oh my lord, " she says. Stella and Musa come in. "Oof a rush of exhaustion and worry just hit me, " Musa says holding her head. "What happened Sky?" Stella whispers. I explain...again. "Ok well, Brandon is waiting for me, " Stella smiles. "We saw that smile Stella, " Aisha whispers. "And felt it, " Musa whispers. Bloom's eyes flutter open. She looked startled for a moment. I think she didn't realize it was still me for a second. A knock comes at the door. "I'll get it, " Musa says. "Mr. Andreas, Mr. Silva, how may I help you?" Musa asks. "Oh hello, Musa, Andreas, and I would like to have a word with Bloom, " Silva says. Bloom looks at me confused. I help her up and she walks to the door. "What is it?" Bloom inquires. "We would like to speak to you in private, " Andreas says. Bloom looks over at me, Musa, Terra, Sam, and Aisha. We leave the suite.
Bloom's POV...
"Oh uh come in, " I invite. "First...are you okay from earlier?" Silva asks. I nod. "So what we were wondering is...well Bloom you're the strongest fairy we've ever known..." Silva starts. "We want you to come in to fight the specialists. No holding back. We will have water and healing fairies there in case anything happens. You won't be harmed. They will have defeated you if they touch to tip of a sword to your back or chest and if they would have enough time to hypothetically kill you. We will go with 4 seconds, " Andreas continues. "If you're up for it we don't plan on having you do this for a week so you can hopefully recover fully, " Silva says. "Are you up for it?" Silva asks. "Yes, " I nod. "Now this is secret that way nobody has the upper hand and so no unexpected fairies show up. Nobody can know understood?" Andreas says. "Of course, " I respond.
To be continued...

Sorry that this is short the next chapter will be much longer and I didn't want this to be incredibly long. Sorry, it took longer than expected to release this but something came up. New chapter coming very soon! Please comment your thoughts. Please vote! Love y'all 💖

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