The Specialists

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Bloom's POV...
Today is the day that I have to fight the specialists. I get dressed in jeans, a white shirt, and my red leather jacket. I have to get there before any other specialists so I can hide. "Aisha I have to go train, " I say. "Ok bye Bloom, " she responds. I rush down to the specialists' training area. "Hi!" I have to Silva and Andreas. "Hi, Bloom, " they say. I hop up onto the mat that they are standing on. Queen Luna is also here. "Queen Luna will bend the light so you're invisible until everyone is here and you are well announced, " Silva explains. I nod. "Rosalind says you can handle fighting this many students because of the training you've been going through, " Queen Luna says. "Yes, your majesty, " I respond. They tell me where to stand and Queen Luna makes me invisible. I'm standing in front of the mats and behind the teachers that are on the mats. As soon as all the specialists get here they look confused as to why Queen Luna, water, and healing fairies are here. "We have a challenge for all of you today, " Andreas starts. "You will have to fight a fairy, " Silva continues. "Do we get to choose the fairy?" Riven asks. "Or is it them?" Dane asks motioning to the water and healing fairies. "No Dane. They are here in case of an emergency, " Silva says. I quickly transform into a fairy while staying invisible. "This is the most powerful fairy we have ever encountered, " Andreas says motioning to the air. I fly up and Queen Luna makes me visible again. I land on the mats and I make my wings go away. The students gasp for some reason. I smirk. This will be interesting. "I don't want any of you -including you Bloom- holding back. And for those who are more than acquainted with her-" he says looking at Riven and Sky since Riven is my friend and Sky is my boyfriend. "Don't hold back either. Treat her like an enemy. There is a reason we have water and healing fairies here, " Silva instructs. Everyone looks over at Sky and Riven. I try not to laugh. "What are you looking at me for?" Riven asks. I look over and see Aisha with the water fairies. Musa is with the healing fairies although she isn't one she is an empath. "Alright everyone put some fire repellent on and all but Bloom and Dane off the mat. Water and healing fairies get closer, " Andreas says. Everyone hops off the mat. The mat is right by the water so the water fairies have plenty to work with. My hands form fire and it goes up to my arms. Dane gets in a stance. "Fight until someone wins...Go!" Queen Luna instructs. I hit him with fire and he stumbles back. He runs towards me and I fire again. He throws a punch and I dodge it. I fire again. He ends up on the ground. "Bloom wins!" Queen Luna declares. "Dane that was pathetic, " Luna says. I stop using my powers and I reach out a hand to help him up. He takes it and gets off the mat. I beat a few more people and then we get to Riven. "Me next already?" Riven asks. "Yes Riven, " Silva says. Riven hops up on the mat and gets ready. "Go!" Queen Luna exclaims. I fire at him and all he does is stumble a bit. He comes at me and makes the mistake of grabbing my wrist. He makes a face. Yes I know it's hot. He kicks me in the stomach as soon as I fire. I go tumbling backward. I hurry to my feet and fire again and again and again. He manages to get up. He grabs my waist and flips me over. I hit the mat hard. I put my hands up and somehow I make a fire heart-shaped shield. I've never done that before. I move my leg to swipe at his feet. He hits the ground. I stand up and put my hand over him. "Bloom wins...again, " Luna declares. "Nice one Riven!" Silva says. "Hardest one yet, " I whisper helping him up. "That's a plus I suppose, " he says. "Sky you're up next, " Andreas says. Silva walks over to Sky. Sky hops up on the mat. "Go!" Luna declares. Sky and I both just stand there not wanting to fight. "I said go!" Luna says. "Sky come on!" Riven says. I take a small shot at Sky. Luna does some magic though I can't see what it does. Sky lunges at me. I hit him with fire. He throws himself at me tackling me. I fight him back to my feet. He swipes at me with a sword and I do an aerial to avoid it. For once gymnastics came in handy. I fire at him. "Guys this burned one has powers!" Sky says. "Sky it's me, Bloom!" I yell as he backs me up to the edge of the platform. He looks me in the eyes. "What are you seeing that I'm not?" I ask. "You're a burned one, " he whispers. "What?" I whisper back. As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel extreme pain in my back. "Oh, bloody hell, " Luna mutters. She waves her hand. "Rosalind! That wasn't a burned one that was Bloom!" Luna says. My eyes widen. I fall and Sky catches me by my arms. "Oh my gosh, " Rosalind gasps. "Bloom stay with me, " Sky whispers. Andreas, Silva, Luna, Rosalind, Riven, Aisha, and Musa run over. Andreas pulls out the sword from my back. A gasp a little. Things start going blurry and they lay me on my back. "Stay with us, Bloom, " Silva says. The healing fairies come with a stretcher. Sky and Riven pick me up and place me on the stretcher. Musa grabs onto my hand and they carry me to Professor Harvey's office trying to keep me awake but I blackout.
A few hours later...
I wake up and look around to see everyone sitting or standing somewhere in Aisha and I's room. I'm on my bed. I groan when I try to move. Everyone looks over to me. "Bloom?" Sky asks. He was right there holding my hand. "I'm incredibly sore, " I groan. "Sorry about that...luckily none of your organs or series veins were damaged so the healing fairies were able to heal you but the soreness is a side effect," Musa explains. "Why was I a burned one?" I ask. "Well, I made an illusion so you and Sky would... well train, " Luna says. "Sky why didn't you stab me?" I ask. "I saw the split second that she made you appear as one...I figured her plan out, " Sky says. "Of course you did, " I laugh. "So when shall we do this again?" I ask. "Bloom are you sure-" Aisha starts. "Positive, " I blurt. "In that case once every two weeks?" Andreas asks. "Sounds good to me, " I nod.
To be continued...

Sorry it took so long for this chapter. Life has been kind of crazy. Please comment your thoughts and any ideas(you will get credit and a shout I promise if I use them) Please vote! Love y'all! 💖 (btw drama is coming up!)

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