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I'm determined to find out who my parents are. Since Farah is gone, it'll just be me and Beatrix. Sorry Sky, I'm not telling you. I knock on Beatrix's door. "Ahh, Bloom, ready?" she smirks. I nod. We get outside of the barrier and I follow Beatrix. We end up at a huge lake. "How are we supposed to cross this!" I exclaim. "You can fly us?" Beatrix shrugs. "Not carrying you, " I huff. As we brainstorm ideas I hear a faint voice calling my name. "Bloom? Bloom?" it calls again and again. "Do you hear that?" I ask. "Hear what?" Beatrix responds. "I'm Daphne, Bloom, " the voice calls. "Daphne?" I whisper. "Bloom what are you talking about?" Beatrix's voice gets faint. "Touch the water Bloom, " Daphne calls. A gold mask appears on my face and I touch the water. The water parts creating a path. I walk down it as she continues to talk. "Your parent's names are Oritel and Marion, " she whispers. "Oritel and Marion?" I ask. "Yes, " Daphne calls. "They are presumed to be dead but I don't think so, " Daphne explains. "Turn around you won't find them here, " Daphne calls. Once I make it back to the side of the lake that I started on the water goes back to normal. I hear a click and then Daphne says, " Until next time Bloom." I open my eyes to see Beatrix taking a picture. "The mask went away, " Beatrix bewilders. I tell her what happened and we go back to the school. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? YOU'RE LATE FOR YOUR LESSONS!" Rosalind scolds. "We were at the lake, " I say. "You need to talk to Silva, Andreas, and Queen Luna, " Beatrix whispers in my ear. "Rosalind I'm not in the mood, " I say walking away. I go to get Silva and Andreas and to my surprise, Queen Luna is with them. "What's wrong Bloom?" Silva asks seeing me rush towards them. "We need to talk, " I say. "Ok let's go to my office, " Queen Luna says. "I found out the names of my parents, " I say once we get there. "Oh my gosh, you did?" Luna asks. "Who are they?" Silva asks. "Their names are-" I say getting cutoff. Sky burst into the room. "Sky may we help you?" Andreas asks. "Bloom where have you been and what's going on?" Sky asks. "I was with Beatrix, " I say. "So you didn't bother to answer your phone. I left 22 messages and calls!" Sky says. I look down at my phone...oops. "Sky I'm sorry I didn't see them, " I say flustered. "So what's going on?" Sky demands. "Son we are in the middle of something, " Andreas insists. "I'm not leaving until I find out why you've been so damn secretive Bloom!" he exclaims. I stutter and give in. "Sit down, " I exhale. I close the door. "As I was parent's names are Oritel and Marion, " I say. Silva, Andreas, and Luna gasps. "Do you know them?" I ask. "We did, " Luna says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "They were our best friends Bloom, " Andreas says. "Bloom, you know who you're parents are and didn't tell me?" Sky asks hurt. "I just found out this morning Sky, " I say. "Luna, what do you mean by did?" I ask. "They died, Bloom, " Silva says. Sky looks at me.  It feels like my heart cracks. The tears sting at my eyes."That explains why you're a changeling...we thought the baby was simply gone, " Luna says. "I am so sorry, Bloom, " Silva says. The words get quieter in my head. "We were very close to your parents, " Andreas says but in my head it sounded like a whisper. "Bloom?" Sky's faint voice calls. I get up out of my chair and I bolt. I hear them calling after me. I look down and fire is forming from my hands.
Sky's POV...
I go to run after her and my father grabs my arm. "She might just need time, Sky, " he says. "Andreas she will hurt herself...her eyes were already doing that thing where the iris looks like fire, " Silva says. "Let me go!" I tell my father and he does. I run after Bloom. "What if she accidentally hurts other students?" I Luna asks worriedly as I run after Bloom.
Silva's POV...
"What if she goes beyond the barrier and runs into a creature of some sort?" I ask. Andreas, Luna, and I exchange a look. We go running out of the room.
Sky's POV...
I see Riven as I'm about to run past him. "SKY WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" He calls. "Come on, " I say running outside. He runs next to me. "What's going on?" Riven asks as we run. "Bloom's parents...are dead, " I say. "Bloody hell, " Riven says. We see Bloom running...there is fire all up to her arms and even in her hair. Riven glances behind us. "Why are Queen Luna, Silva, Andreas, and probably half of the specialists behind us?" Riven asks. "I have no clue, " I respond. I glance down to see the grass burnt in the shapes of footprints. "Riven she's getting way too hot, " I say. He sees the footprints too. "I don't think I've ever seen a fire fairy do that, " he says. "HURRY!" I hear Luna demand. Fairies dart passed us...but not just any fairies: Terra, Aisha, Musa, Stella, Beatrix, and some girl I don't recognize. They line up against the barrier. Bloom gets to them. "BLOOM!" I yell. She turns around and runs the other way and gets blocked by specialists. "Sky, Riven, wait!" Silva yells catching up with us. "I'm worried...when she's happy she can take each of you, " Silva says. "Anger and sadness fuel the strongest magic, " Luna says. "And it seems to be that she's both, " Andreas pipes up. She turns around and we can see her face. There's some kind of gold mask and her eyes are foggy. "BLOOM!" I yell. "THAT'S NOT BLOOM!" Beatrix yells. "THEN WHO IS IT?" Riven yells. "ITS SOMEONE NAMED DAPHNE CONNECTING WITH HER!" Beatrix yells. "Who's Daphne?" I ask quietly. "It's her sister... she's a very strong fairy as well, " Luna says. Bloom fires at the specialists who go diving to the ground trying to avoid it. Some try to grab her but I assume they get burned because they let go rather quickly. "We taught you, specialists, to never grab a fire fairy, " Silva says. Bloom runs to the circle. I run after her and I finally catch up with her. "SKY!!!" Silva and my father yell. Bloom and I are in the circle. "SKY GET OUT OF THERE!" Sam yells. Water surrounds the entire circle like a bubble. Bloom fires at me and I go flying backward." SKY!" a chorus of voices yell. That hurt. Bloom puts her hand on the base. Fire erupts all around us turning the water into steam. There's so much fire. Aisha tries another water bubble around us and it starts to evaporate. Beatrix makes it rain over the bubble. Then the girl I have no clue who she is turns it into crystal clear ice. The fire still melts the ice. "Bloom, it's me, Sky...your boyfriend, " I say. She turns to me. I struggle to get up. Her hands are still on the base. Everyone surrounds the melting ice. "Bloom I love you...and I know your parents are gone but I'm here for you, " I say. "Bloom you're my world. I love you more than anything, " I say walking towards her. Al of the ice melts so that girl freezes the water bubble again. It's not as clear guess is because it's thicker. Then she freezes it again to where you can't see anything. "Bloom, please, " I beg. The mask disappears. She let go of the base and the fire fades. She rocks side to side and falls. I catch her falling too. She's still very warm. I try to get up but I don't even have the energy to keep my eyes open all of the way. I'm covered in soot and most of my shirt burnt off. A few minutes later the ice goes away. People come running over. "Sky! Bloom!" people call. Riven and Sam pick Bloom up. Silva and my father help me up. "You're a little toasted there mate, " Riven says. I laugh a little. "Thanks, " I remark. "Wha happened?" Terra asks. "Yeah, how did she calm down so quickly?" Aisha asks. "I was wondering the same thing, " Stella comments. "Ok guys we need to get them taken care of, " Queen Luna says. "Agreed, " Silva says. Silva helps me to Professor Harvey's office. Sam and Riven carry Bloom there as well. They lay her down on a sofa. I sit down on a chair trying not to fall asleep. Professor Harvey gives me something to help the pain. We cleaned off the soot which revealed some burns. "So we still never got our answer to how she calmed down so quickly, " Musa says. "Oh um I guess she just got it out of her system or got tired, " I shrug wincing at the pain from the burns. "That's it?" Stella asks. I nod. "You do realize that I'm an empath right?" Musa smirks.
To be continued...

CLIFFHANGER! Sorry, this took so long this kept popping up last minute...please comment and vote! New chapter coming in less than 24 hours! Love y'all! 💖

The Winx Saga: Sky and BloomWhere stories live. Discover now