Will she be okay?

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"Sky?" Beatrix interrupts. "Yeah?" I ask. "Bloom grimaced one-time last night when y'all were taking pictures...where were your hands?" she inquires. "Well, one in her hand and the other on her left side...why?" I inquire. Beatrix walks over to Bloom. "Sorry Bloom, " she whispers. She barely pulls Bloom's shirt up to probably right over her stomach. (don't worry guys she's still decent) "Alright, Harvey explain, " Aisha demands. "Well after her fight with the burned ones she came to me because well one scratched her, " Harvey starts. "She should be fine now...she killed all the ones around her, " Stella ponders. "The thing is... it has never happened that we know of...it was dead and it fell forward and scratched her, " Harvey says. "I've been trying to find a cure since then but no such luck, " he frowns. "Why didn't we know?" I ask even more upset that she hid this from me. "She didn't want to stress you guys out, " Harvey says. "So that's why she refused to wear short sleeves or shorts, " Stella mutters. "I told you she wasn't well, " Riven mutters. "Guys we can do that later...we need to help Bloom!" Terra exclaims. "Someone go get Farah, " Harvey says. "I'll go, " Riven says running out the door. Musa grabs her hand. Farah comes rushing in. "Oh Bloom, " she whispers. Terra and Sam prepare some herbal thing. "Guys!" Musa exclaims. "What?" I ask. "I can't feel anything, " Musa freaks out. "No no no, " I say. Farah checks her pulse..., " It's gone." Musa bursts into tears. "She can't be dead, " I choke. Beatrix walks over and puts her hand above Bloom. "What are you doing?" Stella asks. "Trust me, " she says. Electricity crackles between her fingers. She gives her a zap. "Beatrix!" Aisha yells. She starts breathing again. Her eyes flutter open. "Oh my gosh, Beatrix, " Terra says. "You did it, " Sam says. "I'm good like that, " Beatrix smirks. I grab Bloom's other hand. "Bloom, " I whisper. "Hey, " she whispers back. "You must've missed part of the spike Harvey, " Farah says looking at the wound. He puts his glasses on. He grabs his tools and tries to get them out. Bloom screams. "Hurry she's in a lot of pain, " Musa says crying. "It's ok Bloom. I'm here, " I whisper to her. She starts crying. "Hold on Bloom, " I whisper. "I can't, " she cries. "Bloom please, " Musa begs. She screams again. "Hurry Dad, " Ben urges. I see Silva at the doorway. He looks pained for Bloom. He does know what it feels like...almost. He didn't have a spike in his side. She screams again. "I can't Sky...I can't, " she breathes. "Bloom please, " I beg. "God help you if you even think about giving up Bloom or I'll blind you, " Stella says on the verge of tears. Bloom keeps crying and screaming. "I can't, " she cries.
Riven's POV...
It looks painful as heck. She can't stop screaming and crying. "I can't, " she whispers. I look at Sky and he's on the verge of losing it. "Bloom you can!" I encourage. "How long does it take to get a thorn out Harvey, " Farah demands. "It had splintered, " Harvey responds. He gets the main piece out. Bloom screams again. This must be painful...I mean Musa is taking some of it away and it still is that bad. Her eyes look like they are getting heavy. "Aisha splash her, " I whisper. "What why?" she whispers back. Aisha splashes her with water in the face. Terra dries her face back off. "What the hay Aisha?" Terra says. "She was fading, " I pipe up. "I can't, " she cries. "Please Bloom I need you, " Sky begs. After that Bloom doesn't say she can't one more time. About five more minutes of screaming and splitter pulling goes on and finally, Harvey says, "I think that was the last one. Stella, do you mind?" Stella creates some light. "Yep, that's it, " Harvey confirms. Farah does some magical thing and the infection slowly recedes. "Thank you, Musa, " Bloom whispers. "Thank you for not dying, " Musa responds. She bends over the table to give her an awkward hug. Sky bends over next to hug her. "You more than scared me, Bloom, " Sky whispers. "Sorry, " she whispered back. He kisses her then helps her sit up. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sky asked. "You had a lot going on, " she says. "Never enough for you to not tell me, Bloom, " he says. "Bloom I need you to trust me, " he says. "I do trust you, " she insists.  "Guys why doesn't someone help Bloom up to her bed. She needs to rest, " Farah says. "I'll take her, " Sky says. "Not you, " Farah says. "Terra and Beatrix, " Farah gestures. They help her up to her room. "Anyone want to explain?" Farah asks. Musa does. "Guys none of us can imagine her pain, " Musa ends. "She hid it pretty well, " Stella says. "Not well enough...I knew something was weird, " I say. "Sky...you do realize besides she just wanted to see you happy why she got Silva out don't you?" I ask. He shakes his head. "She wanted you to have another person around that loves you especially when she thought she would die, " I explain. "So you're saying that part of the reason she got Silva out is so that Silva would not per se replace her but be there for him unlike Andreas because she thought she was going to die?" Stella inquires. "Makes sense Silva says. Sky looks so upset. "Hold up Riven...go back... Did you say loves Sky?" Farah inquires. "Come on guys I'm not blind...Bloom appears to love Sky as much as Sky loves her, " I shrug. "I mean come on no offense Stella but you threatening to blind her didn't help as much as Sky's plea did, " I say. "Bloom is a very strong girl...I don't think I've seen something that bad that someone made it through ever, " Harvey says. "She is, " Farah agrees. "Can I go now?" Sky asks. "Sure, " Farah says.
Sky's POV...
I walk past Silva and he stops me for a second. "Never let her go, " he whispers. I walk past Beatrix and Terra on my way up to their suite. I knock on the door. "Come in, " a voice yells. I open the door and walk in to see Bloom sitting on the edge of her bed. "Hey, " I say. "Hey, she responds. "Bloom I was terrified that I'd lose you, " I say. She looks at the floor. "Is that part of the reason why you asked to get Silva out?" I ask. "A small part, " she says looking at me. "I'm sorry, " she whispers. "It's ok Bloom. If there's ever something like this again...tell me, " I say. "Ok, " she says. "Bloom there's something I want to ask, " I inquire. "What is it?" she asks. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "I would love to, " she smiles. I sit next to her and wrap an arm around her.

To be continued...

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know in the comments! Please vote! New chapter coming soon! Love y'all! 💖

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