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cold wind brushed through the high schooler's hair, making him shiver in cold. suddenly then getting startled by a friend, "taehyun-ah, do you believe in past lives?" taehyun's friend asked. taehyun thought for a bit, "hm...don't know? I've never thought of it, soobin hyung" taehyun sighed. soobin pouted, "is something wrong?"

"no....well, beomgyu said I would never find my past lover and keeps telling me to give up.." the older sighed, "well..why are you trying so hard to find them? wouldn't it be impossible to actually know? plus why are you letting someone younger than you make you so upset, especially if that someone is choi beomgyu" taehyun questioned.

soobin slightly smiled again, "I don't know..I just feel like that someone would be the only one who wouldn't break my heart.." he sighed. "I need to go hyung, for now..I wish you luck on finding your..lover" taehyun smiled before getting in the bus. soobin nodded, waving goodbye.

"hyung!" taehyun turned to look outside the window while other people entered the bus. he saw beomgyu and soobin arguing again, making him laugh a bit. "no don't touch me!" soobin scoffed, pushing beomgyu's hand away from holding his. beomgyu just pouted, "soobin is too oblivious.." taehyun sighed as he watched beomgyu run after soobin. "leave me alone beomgyu!"

the bus then finally took off, making taehyun tense up, he always felt nervous whenever he took the bus. never knowing the reason why. he ignored the feeling and tried to relax, breathing deep. somehow it made it worse, taehyun's heart raced more and more each time there was any harsh movement. he gulped as he shakily reached for his water bottle.

taehyun hadn't realized how hard he was breathing until someone looked at him with concern, "are you alright?" a guy asked. taehyun's eyes started to water, he felt embarrassed and suffocated now. "I-I'm fine. fine.." the stranger nodded, he turned away. still seeming concerned for taehyun.

taehyun felt like he couldn't breath, overwhelming emotions. the small cries bothered the the stranger in front, making him turn to taehyun again. "I'm s-sorr-" "take a deep breath" the stranger said with a soft voice, surprising taehyun. "I can't" taehyun whispered. " are three things you can see?" the stranger said, making taehyun confused again.

his breathing was easing up a little but he was still shaking as tears couldn't stop running down his cheeks. "u-um my backpack? I-um.." the stranger encouraged taehyun to continue. "water bottle..?" the stranger smiled, "okay great, now tell me two sound you can hear" the stranger said.

"p-people breathing.." taehyun said, wiping off his remaining tears. "you're doing good, now wave your hands..something like this" the stranger suddenly shook his hands quickly, "see? I'm shaking off all my worries and nerves" taehyun used to that hand movement a lot but it was pretty funny seeing someone else to do it as well, making him slightly smile.

the stranger smiled in embarrassment, "do you feel better?" taehyun finally realized that he could actually breath properly and wasn't shaking as much anymore. "I- um..yeah, I feel" taehyun took a deep breath before looking at the stranger gathering his things to get off the bus. "..thank you by the way." taehyun said, tapping on the other's shoulder. the stranger only nodded with a warm smile and left.

taehyun took another deep breath before taking out his earphones to distract himself with music. he hummed along with the song making him relaxed enough to calmly leave the bus at his stop.


// "hyungie, I brought you another flower!" minjun exclaimed with that bright smile of his. "of course you did, thank you" joowon smiled fondly, taking the flower from the other's hands. "I also brought you this, open it" the younger whispered handing joowon a box. the older smiled fondly as minjun hurried him to open it.

"woah", "do you like it, hyungie?" minjun asked with bright eyes. joowon nodded aggressively, making both of them giggle. "it's so pretty..thank you" the older smiled, putting the bracelet that he was given on. "happy 15th birthday, hyungie!" minjun smiled, tightly hugging the older.

joowon laughed loudly, "hyung, lets make a promise okay?" minjun said, suddenly sounding serious. "...alright" "I promise that once we're older and I grow taller than you, I'll protect you for ever and ever!" minjun smiled. joowon scoffed, "yeah right, like you'll ever get taller than me! but sure..I don't want to crush your dreams"

minjun glared at the older for five seconds til he took the older's hand. "hyung, remember when we were in elementary? you promised me that when we're older, we would get married and live happily together. you remember, right?" joowon's eyes widened. "y-yes but-" "you still want to keep that promise, right?" minjun asked as he put another flower on the older's head.

"yes. I do, but we're still too young" joowon sighed, "that's why I bought us these..just to remind us about the promise" minjun giggles, taking a bracelet out of his pocket. It was the same bracelet he gave the other. joowon suddenly had tears building up, "h-hyungie, are you alright?" minjun asked, concern in his eyes.

joowon nodded with a smile, "don't worry, I'm just happy" he sniffled, wiping off his tears. "I'm really lucky to have you, minjunie" he smiled fondly. "I'm lucky to have you, hyungie" minjun giggled, playing with the older's bracelet. / february 5, 2000 //


so...that was the first chapter! I hope it wasn't too bad! as someone who has anxiety and has experienced attacks I felt like adding a scenario like that to show the 'character's'/taehyun's emotions. the way kai 'helped' taehyun calm down in the story is actually a method that I've used on friends and myself. i just hope it wasn't badly written since I'm a beginner. oh and ..minjun and joowon are pretty cute right? heh

First, First Love / TYUNNINGWhere stories live. Discover now