eleven. fin

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it had been almost two years since taehyun and hueningkai graduated and started dating, so they finally decided to move in together, especially since soobin was getting more annoyed and annoyed by them each day. "we're finally done!" hueningkai said excited, as he placed the last furniture him and taehyun bought. "damn you're family is rich" taehyun laughed in disbelief as he looked around "hey! part of the money we're spending on this apartment is ours too." hueningkai said.

"i know but still..be very grateful!" hueningkai nodded. "i'm tired." "want to watch movies til we fall asleep?" taehyun suggested. "you know me well" hueningkai smiled as they went to their new bedroom. "ah..this is comfortable" taehyun sighed as he rolled around the bed. hueningkai giggled, turning on the tv. "what are you laughing so hard about?" taehyun asked, sitting up. "remember the first time we slept in the same bed?" hueningkai asked, bursting into laughter. taehyun face palmed at the thought.

'taehyun looked up at the ceiling, it was almost two in the morning and he still couldn't sleep. then an idea came on his head. he grinned, quietly walking out his house. he ran to three houses down to be infront of his boyfriend's house. "what am i doing." he whispered to himself before knocking on the door. he heard a dog barking, scared him for a second until he saw hueningkai, who opened the door.

"hyung?" hueningkai asked, he looked half asleep and it was adorable to taehyun. "hi hyuka~ did i wake you up?" taehyun smiled awkwardly. "...ye-" "can i sleep here?" thats when hueningkai finally had his eyes fully opened. "u-uhm sure..yeah-you.. you can sleep here. in my room?..with me?" taehyun nodded at every question.

"okay..come in, hyung" he yawned, letting taehyun in. they went to hueningkai's bedroom and just started talking a bit, "why do romance movies and books make such a big deal about sleeping in the same bed as their partner?" taehyun asked, laughing. once they were both done laughing and didn't know what to say next they just quietly layed there, not even cuddling.

taehyun sighed, "ehem..can we like..cuddle or something- i'm kinda sleepy and we have our graduation tomorrow so-" "yeah- yeah! cuddling is nice..good" hueningkai smiled, then shortly hugging taehyun closely. they finally didn't feel so tense and quickly fell asleep as they were both tired. '

they both laughed, thinking about that. "come " taehyun had his arms wide open, hueningkai smiled and hugged taehyun. "hyung, lets make a promise okay?" hueningkai said, taehyun blinked. "alright" "promise that we'll meet again. i will try my best to find you again." he said, "i promise. i- i love y-" taehyun then cried, unable to finish his sentence. burying his head into hueningkai's neck. "..i won't let you go easily this time, we'll keep each other safe." the younger whispered as he hugged taehyun tightly, as if he were to disappear at any moment.

"i love you" "i love you too, hyungie"



aaa i cried while doing this last chapter, i think i got attached lmfao but uh yes this is the end, i was planning to make this longer but it ended up being short. i still hope it was okay! thank you for reading anyways. oh- and it wasn't intentional when i made hueningkai say the same words as minjun did in chapter 1 ... o_o

take care, n i love u all <333

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