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"h-how did yo-" soobin yelled caughting off gaurd taehyun and hueningkai, "you two- w-were, i need some air uh- this isn't my business" soobin whispered, walking back to the car. "so..you're..joowon?" "was...i guess" taehyun bit his lip, "we found each other again." hueningkai whispered, "yeah" taehyun smiled, "you're a crybaby" hueningkai laughed, "wha- oh" taehyun gasped before noticing that he was crying again. 

"i kinda am." he scoffed, before hugging the younger tightly. "wow..it's the first time i see you cry" taehyun smiled, "i'm not crying though." hueningkai smiled. "your eyes can't be that sparkly" taehyun rolled his eyes. "well they are" "sure..c'mon let's not keep hyung waiting any longer." 

the ride back home was quiet, "uh so hyung- you didn't say anything about you-" "i won't look for him" soobin sighed. "what..?" "i got murdered and he was..he killed me. i loved him- so much. i could feel it" soobin cried. "atleast i know this time that i shouldn't look for him. " he said, he seemed hurt by this but neither taehyun or hueningkai knew what to do. "it's okay. i'm okay, don't worry too much" the older smiled, once there was a red light. 


"i came as soon as i coul- ow! what the hell!" yeonjun entered the apartment, beomgyu pushing him out of the way, "hyung! why are you feeling sad?" he pouted, hugging soobin tightly. soobin just smiled, "wait- how'd you know? taehyun? kai?" he said, looking for the two youngest around. 

"they already left. and thanks a lot for pushing me"  yeonjun said sarcastically, "you're very welcome" beomgyu smiled teasingly. soobin sighed as he layed back on his bed. they both finally stopped bickering once they saw soobin lay down. "sorry. what happened?" yeonjun asked, laying down next to the younger, beomgyu following right behind him. "i- can we just relax instead. i don't feel like explaining it right now" soobin smiled weakly. "of course, hyung" beomgyu said. 

yeonjun and beomgyu just cuddled closer to soobin. making him feel safe. he sighed as he slowly drifted into sleep. beomgyu looked at yeonjun who was just spacing off while cuddling him and soobin. "not going to lie, i missed you" beomgyu whispered. yeonjun then realized what the other said, "i missed you too" he smiled. it was already late at night so they didn't bother to move, and instead sleep too.


it was close to graduation and taehyun, hueningkai, and beomgyu just finished their final exams. "i'm going to head to soobin hyung's, see you guys later!" beomgyu smiled, walking the opposite direction of the two youngest. they waved goodbye before walking to the flowershop. "what were her favorite flowers?" , "i think my dad mentioned it was crocus." hueningkai said, picking out flowers to buy. 

it was hueningkai's deceased mom's birthday and his dad were too 'busy' that day to leave her anything.  "i can't believe you were too scared to come by yourself, nothing bad is going to happen." taehyun said as he smelled the flowers they just bought. "graveyards are scary to be in by yourself." hueningkai sighed. 

"oh- it's this one." he sighed once they stopped at his mom's gravestone. "hi mother, we have a gift for you." hueningkai smiled, leaving the flowers by the side. "oh- this is taehyun, my..uh..my friend. we were close in our past lives too! i know it sounds crazy but i believe that they're real." hueningkai said. 

taehyun smiled, listening how sweetly the younger talked. something then caught his attention. he walked near the two grave stones, they were a lot closer than the rest of the gravestones, wondering if they did that on purpose. he crouched down to read what was written " '1985-2001' park minj..minjun. '1985-2001' lee joowon..what" taehyun read, he felt sick, his skin going pale at seeing this. 

"that's all mom..i love you, i'll tell dad to visit as soon as he can."hueningkai whispered before walking back to taehyun. "hyung? are you okay?" he asked, putting his hand on the older's shoulder. taehyun flinched, "s-sorry, i zoned out" he sighed. "is that.." hueningkai whispered, "wow. it really is..us?" hueningkai frowned. "l-let's go, okay?" hueningkai sighed, pulling taehyun out with him. 


"hey if you're feeling down because of earlier, don't think too much about it. you're here, i'm here. we're here together." hueningkai said, hugging the older in a light hug. taehyun nodded, "do you want the rest of the cake?" he asked, pushing his plate towards the younger. "thanks." the hueningkai smiled. "hyuka, can i ask you something?" taehyun asked as he watched kai eat the last piece of cake. 

"mhm." "why did you hesitate to say i was your 'friend' earlier?" the older asked. "i-  n-no reason, my mind just went blan-" "you said you liked me right? only..as friends or.." hueningkai stayed quiet and just bit his lip. "you don't have to answer but i'm just letting you know that i want to be more than friends." taehyun said before standing up to pay the food. 

the moment they were out the café, hueningkai pulled taehyun in a close hug. taehyun just slighly looked up at the younger. kai kissed him on the fourhead, knowing that neither of them were quite ready for an actual kiss. even taehyun, who straight up just says his feelings. "it's about time we're actually together" hueningkai smiled, taehyun nodded before starting to laugh a bit.




anyways two more chapters cries 

damn this song slaps so hard

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