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"taehyun~ can we go to soobinie hyung's, you know he never lets me in when I go by myself- oh who's this?" beomgyu smiled, seeing the boy walking next to taehyun. "this is hueningkai, hueningkai this is beomgyu. oh and that's a you problem, for a reason he doesn't let you in.  you keep making him feel bad and annoying him." taehyun said. "nice meeting you hueningkai! and- i am not making him feel bad, all of the things I say are jokes!" the three boys walked outside of school before rolled his eyes and stopped walking.

"exactly! last time I saw him he was about to start crying, because of YOU! if you actually want him to like you back treat him better, enough with your stupid jokes. they're not funny, and they're just hurting him! when you stop. maybe he'll like you a bit, if you get lucky of course." taehyun grumbled, walking away annoyed. hueningkai blinked, quickly waving goodbye to beomgyu before running after taehyun.

taehyun looked over to him, smiled a bit. "sorry, I didn't mean to say all of that in front of you. I promise I'm not a mean person-" "just an honest person. it's okay, taehyun-ssi. it seems like you care a lot about your friend to be standing up for him like that..." hueningkai smiled.

"I guess. It just bothers me seeing my friends get hurt." Taehyun sighed, as they walked to their neighborhood. "beomgyu's also my friend but...he sure has a weird way of showing his affection." taehyun sighed. hueningkai nodded, listening to the other. "I feel bad now" taehyun laughed awkwardly.

"for what?" hueningkai asked, "for making you listen to all of this..and for yelling at beomgyu" taehyun said. "it's okay, I don't mind..and you should apologize then, if you feel that bad." hueningkai smiled. "your right..he's probably desperately knocking at soobin hyung's door..want to come..if you're not busy of course?" taehyun laughed. "I'm not. I'll like to meet soobin too anyways!" hueningkai said

beomgyu sighed, suddenly nervous to knock on his friend's door. "what do you want?" soobin opened the door, coldly looking at the younger. "how did you kno-" "I saw you from the window, standing there like a creep. now tell what you want" soobin asked once again. "I-I wanted to talk to you" beomgyu whispered. "if you're that sad, ask someone else for advice. I don't feel like seeing you right now" soobin sighed, almost closing the door until he heard taehyun's voice.

"hey hyung! ..beomgyu hyung" taehyun waved, hueningkai nervously walked next to him. "taehyun!" soobin smiled, hugging him slightly pushing beomgyu got out of the way. beomgyu looked down to his feet, sighing before starting to walk away. "beomgyu-ssi, don't go. taehyun wants to talk to you, that's why he came" hueningkai whispered, pulling beomgyu closer to the others.

beomgyu didn't say anything, just nodded. "this is my new friend, hueningkai! this is soobin." taehyun smiled. kai waved happily. "you guys can come in! you too beomgyu" soobin sighed, pulling beomgyu by the arm, since he was hesitating to step in the apartment.

they all sat in the in the living room, silence filling the apartment. "did something happen between you two?" soobin sighed. "no." "yes, I-I'm sorry hyung. I was just mad" taehyun whispered. beomgyu smiled in relief, "it's o-" "what did you do now, beomgyu-ah?" soobin asked, clearly annoyed once again. "he didn't do anything" taehyun said.

soobin and beomgyu stayed silent, while hueningkai just awkwardly watched and regretting his choices of coming. "well, now that I apologized..I should get going. me and hueningkai are going out for lunch. it's clear that you two need to talk things out now, see you" taehyun said, pulling hueningkai with him. "g-goodbye!" kai smiled, shutting the door.

before beomgyu or soobin could say anything, they have already left. "hyung..I-I'm sorry" beomgyu whispered, nervously playing with his keychain. "sorry?" soobin asked, a grin forming on his face. "yes..I'm sorry for all those 'jokes'. I didn't realize they made you feel bad. I-I really thought I was going to make you laugh" beomgyu voice cracked, making soobin jump in surprise.

"gyu-ah..." he whispered, seeing how beomgyu's eyes got teary. "don't cry...idiot. seeing you cry makes me want to cry, you know that!" soobin laughed. "hey, look at me beomgyu" he whispered. beomgyu stared at the other, nervous. "thank you. for trying to make me laugh in an awful way but you tried. I accept your apology..only if you swear to never say those things again." soobin laughed.

beomgyu smiled once again, "I won't, I promise" soobin nodded, pulling beomgyu closer. as soobin hugged him tightly, beomgyu sighed in relief. it's been long since they hugged like that. "so..lets get all these sad emotions out and now that we're best friends again, I have something to tell you" soobin exclaimed.

"what is it?" beomgyu smiled, "I met someone!" beomgyu's smiled immediately dropped. "you did?" he whispered. "mhm! he's really nice..handsome..and just a great guy in general!" soobin smiled fondly. "a-a guy?" beomgyu got his lip. "yes his name is yeonjun! choi yeonjun." soobin smiled. angry thoughts then filled beomgyu's head.



and that's it for chapter three! we got a bit more of soogyu in here, but clearly it won't be for long! I hope the chapter was okay! anyways..why beomgyu is so upset? 👁👁👁👁 hm

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