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"i'm so happy for you guys!" soobin smiled, clapping his hands excitedly. the three youngest just graduated and it was time to celebrate. "also..if beomgyu hyung is older than us..shouldn't he had graduated..like a year ago?" hueningkai asked. soobin and yeonjun tried to hold back their laughter. "he failed a year, hyuk-" "i hate you all!" beomgyu whined. "gyu-ah, come back!" soobin laughed. 


"i'm going to go to the store in front for snacks, be right back!" taehyun said. soobin sighed, "are...are you okay, hyung?" hueningkai asked. "I..I know we've only known each other for a couple of months but I was too scared to ask tae so..can I have some advice, please?"

hueningkai nodded, happy to help. "o-okay! um so.." soobin laughed in between his words, seeming nervous. "don't worry. I won't judge, I'm here to help" hueningkai reassured the older. soobin took a deep breath and continued, "so theres these two people who I really care about, and I care and..like them equally, they both like me too but- I..I just don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt either of them, or myself" soobin bit his lip.

"those two people are beomgyu hyung and yeonjun hyung, right?" hueningkai whispered, soobin's eyes widened. "sorry. I didn't mean to get into your love life business but..it's pretty obvious you three have something going on." hueningkai laughed. "really?" soobin smiled, embarrassed. hueningkai laughed too.

"hyung, this is going to sound so cringe but..life is short, if you want both of them get both of them! fall in love with like a fool, you won't know how it could it end but you should still take the chance. don't regret anything, alright? even if you can meet them in your next life, you still won't have all the time in the world" the younger said, soobin blinked. taking in the words. "...okay. actually- I need to do something right now, tell taehyun something urgent came up!" soobin smiled, leaving his apartment.

"oh- if things go well, I'll probably be staying at beomgyu's. so you and tae can stay" soobin smiled, then actually leaving. hueningkai sighed, satisfied that soobin seemed happier after his advice. "hm, what movie should I pi-" "hyuka, soobi- oh, where's soobin hyung?" taehyun asked, placing the snacks on the coffee table. "I think some came up so he had to go."

"ah okay..so, what movie are we going to watch?" taehyun smiled, sitting next to hueningkai. taehyun gasped as hueningkai scrolled through hat movies to watch. "lady and the tramp! I haven't watched that movie in so long!" taehyun clapped excited. hueningkai laughed at how the older was acting. "okay, lady and the tramp it is!" hueningkai said, clicking on watch.

30 minutes into the movie and hueningkai noticed taehyun getting distracted because of how cold the apartment got all of a sudden. kai didn't know how to work the apartment's tempature thing either so he had to think of another thing. he grinned at his idea, but it made him nervous. hueningkai slowly sat closer to taehyun til their shoulders bumped, taehyun looked at the younger, confused.

"do you..want to..cu- actually nevermi-" "cuddle? why not, I'm kinda cold anyways" taehyun smiled. as he lightly pushed the younger to lay down. taehyun layed down behind the younger, putting his arms around hueningkai, struggled since the other was larger then him. hueningkai laughed, taehyun seemed annoyed since he couldn't find a way to be the big spoon without making it an awkward position.

"do you give up?" kai asked, taehyun nodded sadly. "we can still cuddle hyung. no need to be sad. except you'll have to be the little spoon" hueningkai smiled cheekily, taehyun rolled his eyes but agreed. unlike the last time, they didn't struggle this time. hueningkai pulled the older closer, hugging him softly. "just don't fall asleep, hyuka" taehyun smiled, turning his head to look back at the screen. "I won't."

when the movie was about to end, hueningkai heard a message notification from his phone, reaching it from his pocket to see who it was. it was soobin. ' thank you hueningkai, I would've backed out if it weren't for you. everything worked out. taehyun is lucky to have you. and you're lucky to have him ' hueningkai smiled at the text til he realized the last two sentences. suddenly hearing small snores from the older. kai giggled, continuing to hug the other comfortably as he himself fell asleep.


"why is you're mom never here anyways?" soobin asked as he took more popcorn. "business trips, i think?" beomgyu sighed. for a moment soobin was just staring at beomgyu. "w-what?" the younger chuckled nervously. "do you like me, gyu-ah?"  , "what?! h-how did you. i-um...please don't be weirded out by this. i didn't want to tell you about it because i didn't want to ruin our friendship, but now somehow you know an-" soobin then leaned in, beomgyu's eyes widened. 

soobin kissed the other softly. the younger's eyes closed, he enjoyed this is so much but- "t-this isn't right!" he gasped, pushing soobin away. "I-I'm sorry" soobin sighed, awkwardly getting farther away. "l-look hyung. I..I li- love you. so much, and not just as my best friend, but this isn't right. you have something with yeonjun hyung, you know that!" beomgyu said, getting teary eyed.

soobin's lips trembled, "you do too! you really thought I didn't know that you two still had something as well?" he said, "what?" beomgyu gulped, "I like you, the same way I like yeonjun. and I don't know what to do about it, I'm sorry..I'm so sorry" soobin cried.

beomgyu blinked, too shocked to talk. "you guys know there's a little something called, polyamorous relationships?" a guy spoke, biting into an apple. "what the hell yeonjun! what are you doing here?" soobin gasped, "this is so awkward.." beomgyu whispered to himself. "sorry, I just wanted to stop by. I saw everything by the way." yeonjun grinned, continuing to eat the apple.

"i-..I'm sorry" soobin gulped, beomgyu just stood there. still to shocked and nervous to talk to any of them. "baby..didn't you hear what I said earlier, there's something called polyamorous relationships" yeonjun smiled, "what's that..." beomgyu asked, finally speaking. "it's simple, gyu. so- soobinie loves us both. I love you both. you like..no sorry, love soobin and I'm damn sure you still love me. you're just too stubborn to admit it." yeonjun spoke softly, somehow.

"shut up." beomgyu grumbled, "my point is. let's all date, no more drama of 'who's soobin going to choose?' crap. this isn't a soap drama. when he just admitted to liking us both." yeonjun sighed, patting both of the others's heads gently. "okay." "w-what? you're saying yes, just like that?" beomgyu gasped, looking at soobin in disbelief.

soobin smiled, "it makes me happy I can have both of you. it's exciting too." he giggled. "isn't he cute, you want to keep him huh" yeonjun whispered into beomgyu's ear. the younger immediately turned red, not sure if it was because yeonjun whispered in his ear or because of what he said. "you forget that the only reason we broke up was because I had to move to america, right? I remember you crying in the phone, it was so painful to hear you cry like that." yeonjun sighed.

"then we ended up crying together" beomgyu whispered, bursting out laughing. "yes..yes we did" yeonjun rolled his eyes. "see. you'll be happy again, we'll be happy again! please say yes, gyu-ah" soobin smiled, hope filled his eyes. "fine" yeonjun immediately pulled the two in into a tight hug. "hyung..we can't breath" soobin gasped for air. "sorry.." yeonjun giggled, "um just happy to have you, and to have you back" he said.


yeonbingyu finally got together !!!!,,,also nvm im making another chapter cuz this one was getting way too long lmfao

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