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"hey, taehyun-ssi. are you finished with exams?" hueningkai asked, taehyun sighed in relief. "yes, finally. you?" taehyun asked, kai just nodded. "oh- are you feeling better?" taehyun asked, concern filling his eyes again. "I'm good! don't worry, I think I just didn't sleep much the other night." hueningkai said.

"...I also wanted to ask you something." "what is it?" taehyun replied as they stepped out of the school. "do you want to go out? a-as friends! I want to get to know you a bit so.." taehyun smiled, "sure, no need to be so nervous about it." hueningkai nodded, embarrassed.

"I'm joking" taehyun whispered, "oh!but..if you actually want us to get close let's start off with you calling me 'hyung', okay?" taehyun smiled, "okay then, taehyun hyung. shall we go?" hueningkai clapped his hands excitedly. "mhm! can I call you hyuka? I noticed that your sister called you that when she called so.." taehyun asked.

hueningkai's face reddened, "I..I'd like that." "okay, so hyuka. where are we going?" , "where do you go for fun?" hueningkai asked, "hm....roller skating! I enjoy it there, even though I don't know to skate" taehyun laughed. "okay. then we're going roller skating!" hueningkai yelled excited, taehyun just burst into more laughter.


"okay, ready?" taehyun asked, "not really" hueningkai whispered. "it's okay you can hold on to me, I'm not the best either but I can stand on my feet, so I think that's enough" taehyun said, "o..kay" the younger sighed, taehyun immediately grabbed the other's hand tightly. "maybe we're going to have to hold on into each other" he giggled.

it took them a while but they could finally skate around the rink normally, they were still holding hands though, neither of them seeing a reason why to let go. everything was going fine until..they forgot how to stop, causing them to crash into a couple. "we're so sorry!" taehyun gasped, "sorry! uh..enjoy your date- ah!" hueningkai said, getting up from the floor.

the couple got up, smiling. "it's alright, enjoy yours too!" the lady smiled, rolling away with her partner. "w-what, we're not da- ow!" hueningkai suddenly got dragged to the ground by the older. "sorry..I was trying to get up" taehyun chuckled awkwardly. "maybe we should rest a bit" hueningkai laughed.

for the past hour taehyun and hueningkai has been talking about their lives and their interests, it seemed that they were almost the opposite of each other. "well, you know..some says the opposites attract" taehyun whispered, hueningkai almost choked on his drink at that. "y-yeah"

"am I crazy..because it feels like I've known you forever" hueningkai said, taehyun just laughed, "really?" "I'm being serious! it's not just something I say to people I like, I mean it- oh" hueningkai's face turned red when he realized, "you like me?" taehyun asked, a small smile forming on his lips. " you want me to?" kai asked, not exactly knowing what to respond.

taehyun just stared at the other, "I actually do." he grinned. "o..okay, um..I wanted to go to Seoul tower to put on a lock" hueningkai said, "okay! wait you've never been there, right? it's so pretty" taehyun smiled. "I can't wait then" hueningkai smiled.


"what did you write?" taehyun asked, looking over to the younger's lock. "hyung- no!" taehyun snatched the lock fork hueningkai's, making the younger pout. ".. 'let me be happier in the future' not happy now?" taehyun asked as he looked for places to put their locks. hueningkai stayed quiet, "I am. I just know I could be feeling better" he whispered, taehyun nodded as he put the locks on the railing.

he smiled, "there!" taehyun said, before taking the younger's hand gently. as hueningkai was distracted watching the sundown, he barely noticed them holding hands after what seemed forever to taehyun. hueningkai squeezed the other's hand in surprise, "oh-" "isn't it pretty?" taehyun asked as he too, was now watching the sundown, making such pretty colors on the sky.

hueningkai just stared the taehyun, he blinked "'s..pretty"


sorry for the short update, but here's some fluff from tyunning.

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