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" and huening?" soobin asked, a grin on his face. "uh yeah..its been like a week already why are you-" "have you two kissed before? has he kiss-?" he asked, "what the hell hyung!" taehyun yelled, pushing soobin away roughly. "ow.." soobin pouted, "you're so mean- i just wanted to know!" he grumbled before walking back to his room.  taehyun then remembered when the two almost kissed. 

 'taehyun snuggled close to the younger, taehyun then looked up to see hueningkai staring at him. "pay attention to the movie, you said you would watch this with m-" "you're really handsome..and pretty" that made taehyun sit up, staring suspiciously at the younger. "what do you want me to buy you no-" "i don't want you to buy anything..but i do want this"

hueningkai pulled the older closer, stayed like that to see if the older would push him away or let him. "can i?" taehyun didn't say anything, but got closer. only their soft breathing was heard and before the small space between their lips was gone- "we're back!" beomgyu yelled as him, soobin, and yeonjun entered the apartment. taehyun and hueningkai jumped far from each other, hearts pounding. 

" guys's weird not seeing you two cuddling whenever we see you" yeonjun said. "right" soobin laughed. "a jump scare came up..and we got..scared" hueningkai said, taehyun gave him a 'seriously?' look. "aren't you watching eternal sunshine..?" beomgyu said. "hey, the concept kinda freaky!" hueningkai said. "true" soobin chuckled. 

"i guess they're dumb enough to believe that" taehyun whispered once the three oldest walked out to the balcony. "yeah we won't-" "speak of that again?" they both nodded, almost like erasing the moment and went back to cuddling. taehyun sighed, "you're right the concept of this movie is a bit freaky" taehyun said. '

taehyun gulped, "you're thinking about it, aren't you?" soobin giggled from his room. "how did you-" "you were being too quiet, plus you're turning red." "i am not!" taehyun said before leaving the apartment. "he's going for it" soobin giggled to himself once again. 


"oh- hyung, ready for our date? heh i always wanted to have a picnic with someone." hueningkai sighed happily. taehyun nodded, putting down the basket of food. "i bought pasta...fruit, and grape juice! you were talking so passionately about it last night so i had to bring some" taehyun giggled. hueningkai just shook his head in embarrassment, "oh- i brought a picnic blanket, chips and a piece of bread." 

taehyun laughed, "a piece of bread?" "mhm, for the ducks!" hueningkai explained. "oh- but feed them after we're done, then they'll want more and bother us the whole time" "ah you're so smart, hyung" hueningkai smiled. "i know" taehyun agreed. "wow.." 

after eating and talking for a while the sun was setting, "should we go feed them before it gets fully dark?" taehyun asked, picking up the left overs. hueningkai nodded, helping the other clean. "okay, let's go." they walked near the ducks hesitantly, both of them a bit scared of the animals. "here- ah!!" hueningkai screamed once he threw the bread pieces to the ducks, making taehyun laugh. 

'have you two kissed before?' soobin's words replayed in taehyun's head. he stared at the younger who was closely observing the ducks fight for the bread. "hyuka" taehyun called, walking closer to the other. "yeah?" hueningkai asked, taken back when he noticed how close they were. "it looks that you actually got taller than me" taehyun smiled fondly before pulling hueningkai's head a bit lower. 

then softly pressing his lips onto the other's. his hand holding hueningkai down by the neck. their lips gently moving against each other's. taehyun smiles in between the kiss, making the other smile as well. after a while they needed to back away, even if they didn't want to but..they still needed to breath. they stayed quiet, then looking at each other in the eyes at the same time, making both of them laugh. 

" hyung...what did you mean by that?" hueningkai asked, "by what?" "that i'm taller than you now..i've always..wait- was it-" "i believe minjun was very short" taehyun whispered,  "..or maybe he didn't hit puberty yet!" "short." "no-" "yes!" "no!" hueningkai pushed taehyun away playfully, laughing. "whatever, you're the tall one now" taehyun rolled his eyes. 


taehyun grumbled once a pillow seperated him and kai, "hyung? what now?" he asked, clearly annoyed. "you're almost graduating, right?" soobin asked. " in three weeks, why?" taehyun asked. "okay great! once you graduate , get an apartment! all you two do here is invade my couch, cuddle, and kiss!" soobin rolled his eyes. taehyun and hueningkai just looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"i'm not kidding!" soobin yelled once again, putting on his shoes and coat. "alright! geez.." taehyun grinned. "oh~ going on a date with beomgyu and yeonjun?" hueningkai smiled, "friend date you could say..whatever, i'll be back soon with them. bye!" soobin waved before leaving the apartment. "want to watch call me by your name?" hueningkai suggested. 

"yea- wait. we're going to skip the peach scene, right?" taehyun blinked, "absolutely" hueningkai said, scrunching his nose in disgust. 


sigh one more chapter to go :(

also can u tell that i love the height difference lmfaouygtyhb

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