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taehyun threw some rocks to the lake, watching them go deep into the water. he sighed, heading back to his home. "oh- why here?" taehyun heard someone sigh, catching his attention. he looked at the stranger's face, eyes widened at the familiar face.

he looked down, where the guy's dog was...doing his business. "why couldn't you wa- oh um hello" the the stranger jumped, noticing taehyun. taehyun smiled, "'re the same guy from the bus, right?" he asked, walking towards the stranger.

the stranger immediately smile when he realized, "yeah! that's me, oh- are you feeling better?" he asked. taehyun nodded, "a lot better. do you live around here?" he asked, "I actually just moved in like..three days ago? yeah.."he smiled, "welcome seems that we'll be seeing each other sometimes. I live around here as well." taehyun smiled.

since when was he so friendly to strangers?

"I might as well introduce myself then, I'm hueningkai." the other smiled brightly, taehyun blinked, that smile it was so- "a-are you feeling alright?" taehyun jumped, "oh- sorry..I think I'm a bit sleepy..I'm taehyun" he sighed. "well, taehyun-ssi, I hope we can meet each other again, I should get going. it seems that you're tired so you should probably get some rest!" the neighbor smiled before walking away with his dog.

taehyun waved goodbye, sighing once the other was gone. "what's up with me.." taehyun whispered, walking back to his home.

the next morning taehyun woke up tot the sound of his mother banging the door. "kang taehyun open this door right!" taehyun sighed, unlocking the door sleepily. "what's wrong?" he asked, yawning. "what do you mean, 'what's wrong?' Go change this instant taehyun, did you forget you have school?" his mom yelled, angrily going back to her room.

"oh" , 8:47 am. "sorry! I thought it was Sunday" taehyun said, quickly changing into his uniform. "hurry up and go to school!" taehyun nodded, rushing out of his home with messy hair and a sleepy face.

missing the bus a long time ago, he ran to his school as fast as he could. "wait! sorry I'm late!" taehyun yelled, the teacher who was about to close the gates sighed, letting him in. "don't come late again, kid" taehyun nodded, entering the school.

he ran to his homeroom, ignoring the scolds from teachers who told him to stop running in the halls. "sorry I'm la- oh" taehyun sighed in relief as he saw students talking freely. "you okay? you look like a mess" taehyun's friend, jisung laughed. "wow, thank you so much." taehyun rolled his eyes, laying his things on his desk.

"I heard there's a new student coming today" jisung wiggled his brows, "hm, what's their name?". "don't know that's all I kn-" the teacher suddenly came in, making everyone go back to their seats. "Morning, class. quiet down now, we have a new student today so don't be embarrassing to your new classmate." the teacher sighed, pulling the new student in the room.

taehyun's eyes widened, a smile slowly forming. "quickly introduce yourself, we don't have all day" the teacher whispered. "oh- um I'm kai kamal huening, I prefer to be called hueningkai." the student said nervously. the other students just stared while taehyun was in awe. "alright everyone welcome your classmate and open your textbooks. hueningkai, you can sit next to..taehyun. taehyun raise your hand so he knows where" the teacher said.

hueningkai eyes widened as he approached the other. "hello taehyun-ssi" he whispered, sitting down. taehyun smiled, whispered a hello back. "focus students" they both nodded, then paying attention to the board.


/ "thank you for visiting all the way from here, hyung" minjun smiled, "don't worry, I know how bored you get once you visit your grandma." joowon giggled. "I'm sorry able to go to jeju island with you, hyung.." minjun sighed, disappointed. "it's alright, we'll see each other next week anyways. then you can congratulate me" joowon said.

"minjunie!" minjun's grandmother called from the distance. "it looks like I have to get going careful, alright?" minjun said. joowon nodded softly, "take car-" "wait hyung!" minjun reached for joowon, stopping him from walking away.

"hm?" joowon looked at the other, confused. then suddenly the younger's lips touched his, softly pressing against joowon's. joowon dropped his bag to the floor, left shocked. minjun stepped back, he grinned a bit. "h-have a safe trip!" minjun ran off to his grandmother house. leaving joowon, flustered and shocked.

"don't just stand there hyung, you'll miss the bus!" minjun yelled from the house before shutting he door. joowon blinked, finally processing what happened. he smiled softly, awkwardly walking to the bus station. / may 8, 2001//


second update! hope it was alright! minjun and joowon are so cute please I'm about to cry. uh and hmm what a coincidence, hyuka is taehyun's neighbor AND new classmate??? (I'm sorry I had to have them get close someway. hope some of yall r suckers for cliches 😫) also unrelated but happy bday to beomgyu n me !!

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