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awkward silence filled the room, the only thing beomgyu and soobin's guest could hear was soobin's foot steps back in his room. " do you know soobin?" yeonjun asked, trying to make conversation. "we're best friends. you?" beomgyu answered, " the convenience store. have you've been?" yeonjun asked, putting an awkward smile.

"better than before" beomgyu said, a thin smile forming once soobin came back. the whole time, it was soobin talking to both of them, but..both of them pretending the other didn't exist. soobin bit his lip, "do you guys know each other or something? i-it feels weird" soobin chuckled. both Yeonjun's and beomgyu's eyes widened at that.

they both shared a look, somehow deciding to say what was in their mind. "we uh...we used to be dating" beomgyu said, regretting it the second he did. "what." soobin gasped, "I'm sorry..this must be awkward- oh god, I'm so sorry.." soobin blinked, clearing his throat awkwardly. "gyu-ah why didn't you say anything?" he whispered to the younger, "you seemed so excited I didn't want to ruin that for you!" beomgyu whispered back.

yeonjun cleared his throat, catching the attention of the other two. "oh- hyung, look. don't let this affect..whatever you two have going on. we're over each other, well atleast I know i am" beomgyu said. "I am too! nothing going on" yeonjun agreed. soobin just sighed, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.


// it's had been almost seven months since joowon's death and it seemed that everyone but minjun was over it. or maybe it was just minjun not wanting to let go. "son, they want to talk to you" minjun's mother called, "who?" his mother not responding, pulled him outside making face joowon's parents.

"hi there." the couple spoke, "hello.." "we have something for you, it was in his backpack and the police gave it to us after the...uhm- here, I think you should have it." the lady whispered, minjun flinched once she put something in his hands. "wha- ..oh" minjun's breath hitched. he then remembered a week after when joowon died, when he threw his own bracelet out of anger? sadness? he didn't know but he just threw it into the lake, immediately regretting it.

"...thank you" he whispered, holding back tears. "no. thank you for making our son happy all these years. It was nice knowing you all, but it's now our time to move on" the man said, patting minjun's head, before walking back to his car with his wife.

minjun went into his room, and just stared at the bracelet for almost two hours. "minjunie, dinner is ready." his mother said, knocking on his door. "I'll.. be out in a bit" he responded. once he heard his mother walk away he rushed to his desk and started writing. then hurried to the bathroom, looking for things in the cabinets he shouldn't be.


Lthe food got cold already, you either come here or don't eat!" his father called out from the kitchen. "I'll go check on him, he's probably bummed about earlier." minjun's mother sighed. "minjun~ I get that you're still sad but please come out to e- oh my god.. my baby!" his mother screamed. "what did you do to yourself?! why! why!"she yelled, shaking the boy's body. "what's going on-" "call the ambulance now!" the woman yelled, she shakily reached for her son's hand.

then seeing the same bracelet from earlier. "god..why baby, why" she sobbed. pills were scattered around the sink, and on the floor. making it clear of what happened. slowly seening that beside him was a note. she hesitantly reached for it,

'dear mother and father, I'm sorry I'm doing this. please don't try to save me. I just want to be with him once again, please let me stay with him. I don't want this to be long so I'm just going to say that I love you both, and thank you for everything you've done for me. I'll see you again, hopefully not so soon though, please live on with a happy life. I failed in doing that, but I know you're stronger than I ever was'

// November 14 , 2001 , the day minjun had died /


hi lol. sorry for the angst again 👹 oh and short chapter 😰 OH AND THANK U FOR 120 READERS AAAAA <333

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