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"i'm going to get a reading! how cool is that?" soobin exclaimed, excited to know atleast a bit about his past life. it had already been like two weeks since soobin first invited yeonjun over, even after learning that his best friend and yeonjun used to date he still loved the idea of introducing the older to taehyun, and hueningkai.

so there they were, all five of them in soobin's apartment. "past life?" hueningkai whispered, "mhm, i was told about them when i was i never forgot about it too." "but what exactly are they?" "heh.. exactly what they're called. a life you had before the one you have like, right now. oh! and sometimes you meet someone you met in your past life, for might find someone you just met familiar. too familiar sometimes,  and when that happens i believe that it means it was someone close in your past life!" soobin explained.

"someone too familiar.." hueningkai whispered to himself, then looked back at the others who were now arguing over what disney princess movie was the best. taehyun was just watching the older three arguing too, laughing at how dumb they looked. hueningkai then tapped taehyun's shoulder, "hyung, do you think we knew each other before?"

taehyun just smiled, "don't think too much about what soobin hyung said..but it would be nice knowing i already had you by my side before" "then let's go with soobin hyung to his reading and get one ourselves!" taehyun's eyes widened. "wait- really? i was joking!" he laughed. "well, i'm not. let's do it, i think its interesting anyways" hueningkai said, "i- fine" taehyun sighed before cuddling close to the younger. 

hueningkai tensed up, relaxing once taehyun just dig his head into hueningkai neck. "hey! you two! i invited you to hang out, not so you can be all..couple-ly!"soobin said, throwing a pillow to taehyun and hueningkai. "yeah right- like the three of you haven't been flirting this whole time! plus we're not even dating!" taehyun scoffed before going back to cuddle the younger. "what?!" they all gasped, hueningkai smiled at the way he could feel taehyun shaking because he was laughing. 


"i'm kinda nervous" soobin sighed, driving to the session. "you've always wanted to know about this, don't worry so much" taehyun said, "you're right..we're almost there anyways, no time to go back anymore." they parked infront of the place, it looked surprisingly big. 

"ah- you must be choi soobin, kang taehyun, and hueningkai right?" a lady smiled, letting them enter the place. "you're our only guests scheduled for today, so we were waiting" "okay..shall we begin?" they all nodded, feeling nervous and excited. 

"okay great now soobin, hueningkai, you have other seperate rooms so he'll guide you there." the lady said, pointing at a guy who looked like he worked there as well. "so taehyun, feeling nervous? scared, maybe?" she asked, taehyun got comfortable in his seat "um, kinda nervous. i don't know much about this though. they kinda just dragged me in here" taehyun said awkwardly. 

the lady laughed before taking out a pocket watch , "let's begin. please follow this with your eyes, this will make you feel tired. and start blinking til you fall into deep relaxation." she said, holding up a pocket watch clock as she slowly swung it back and forth. as soon as taehyun closed his eyes, she spoke again, putting the watch aside. "how do you feel?" she asked. "comfortable" 

"now we'll go to the most important part of your past life in..3,2,1- okay, what do you see?" "grass.." the lady nodded, "anything else?" "flowers" taehyun spoke, "it seems that you're in a field of some kind, is there anything you're doing there?" she asked, getting her notebook. "i'm laughing." "oka-" "and there's someone else in front of me" taehyun whispered. 

"oh okay- can you tell me what they're doing?" "giving me flowers" the lady nodded as she wrote in the notebook. "he's calling me by my name." "what's your name then?" "lee j..joowon" "so thats your name, joowon. you were korean in your past life too" taehyun nodded. "i called him minjun- we are close" "the person with you?" 

he nodded again, "he gave me a bracelet and said i'm pretty. like the flowers" the lady smiled at that, "you think you two were dating?" taehyun didn't say anything this time.  "i'm young, still live with family. i live in Boseong" "how young?" "sixteen" "the same boy is outside my window" "ah okay" the lady said.

"now i want know how and when you died, is that okay?" taehyun nodded. "people are screaming" "can you tell me why?" "we're going to crash, the bus. the bus. my body.. it hurts" taehyun eyes slowly watered, a couple of tears running down his cheek. "'re okay. now when i count to one you can open your eyes and you'll be out of the hypnosis, okay?" "3,2,1" she snapped her fingers and taehyun shortly then opened his eyes. 

"ah- that was.." taehyun just smiled in embarrassment as he wiped away his tears.  "do you remember everything?" the lady asked, "i do" "did you enjoy the experience?" the lady asked as guided taehyun out, seeing soobin sitting there teary eyed too. "yeah- it was relaxing but somehow felt painful at the end" he smiled. after waiting a bit for hueningkai to finish he finally went out, a bit teary as well. 

"i'm guessing it went well?" soobin said, the younger nodded. "so there was this boy, older than me. i really loved hi-" "watch out or taehyunie will get jealous~" soobin teased, "shut up, anyways continue" taehyun rolled his eyes. "uh..oh right- his name was joowon, mine was mi-" "minjun?" taehyun whispered, staring at the younger as his eyes widened. 


god the hypnosis part was awkward to write  but i did it lmfao . im not good at writing dramatic ass things so wish me luck for next chapter cries

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