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"do you like my handsome face or what? I'm kidding..just noticed that you've been staring" hueningkai laughed, taehyun quickly looked away. " just really remind me of someone, but we just met a couple days ago so..I don't know maybe it's just in my head" taehyun sighed, picking up a rock and threw it at the lake.

"you remind me of someone too. I don't know who either though, oh- look." hueningkai grinned as he picked up a small flower from the ground. "do you like flowers?" he asked. taehyun looked at and smiled, "mhm" hueningkai put the flower on top of the others head. taehyun laughed, hueningkai smiled, seeing how the flower fell once taehyun moved. his eyes suddenly got teary, surprising himself. "are you okay?" "I-I'm.."

hueningkai's felt dazed and just couldn't help but close his eyes.

"I said it's pretty, just like y-"

kai gasped, it felt like words were coming out of his mouth..but also weren't. he heard another voice, but his mind couldn't process what they were saying, then again his 'voice'

"I'm just saying the truth, joowon hyungie"


kai's eyes opened wide, "j-joo.." kai whispered, "are you okay? you should get some rest" taehyun sighed, helping hueningkai stand up. "I-I'm fine.." kai whispered. "it seemed that you nearly fainted." taehyun said, getting closer to hueningkai's house. once they got there taehyun smiled nervously, "have some rest, oka-" "are you okay? you're breathing isn't-"

"I just got a bit anxious, I'm fine. Just..take care of yourself, bye" taehyun sighed, walking away. hueningkai gulped, wondering what the hell just happened. kai sighed, walking to his room to take a nap or something to have his headache go away.


"come on gyu-ah! please I'm too nervous to be there by myself" soobin cried, holding beomgyu from getting out. "you're the one that asked him to come over, I'm not going to allow you to make me the third wheel!" beomgyu grumbled, "please beomgyu. I can't do it" soobin sighed, "fine!" beomgyu groaned.

"I love you! thank you so much" soobin smiled, running back to his room to get ready. beomgyu smiled, "you only love me as your best friend, don't you?" he mumbled under his breath. "what was that?" soobin asked, beomgyu's laughed nervously. "nothing."

/ // joowon sighed, looking out the window. it had gotten dark quickly, so it made it a kinda relaxing moment. joowon liked the night, he liked having some alone time every now and then too, but at he moment he really missed..minjun. joowon smiled immediately after thinking about that boy. "he's insane" he whispered softly.

"sir, there's a stoplight at the corner- s-sir? sir! oh my god- he's not breathing!" a passenger yelled. the bus passengers immediately went in chaos. joowon remained sat down, worried. "some stop this thing, a truck is coming this way! someone stop it!" a women yelled. pure fear filled joowon's eyes, not knowing what could happen to him in the next ten seconds.

"morning grandm- mom, dad? what are you guys doing here?" minjun asked confusingly, "what's going on? did something happen?" minjun asked once again, seeing the depressed expressions on his parent's faces.

"j-joowon he.."his mom started til she began crying. "m-mom..what about joowon? why are you crying?" minjun gulped, "son, your friend...he's dead." his dad sighed. "the bus that he took last night. it crashed and he was one of the few passengers who died in the accident." minjun's grandma added.

minjun smiled slightly, "is this a joke? what are you guys talking abou- wha- what?" his parents shook their heads, mother staring to sob. "no..n-no this can't..this can't be" minjun ran out of the house, quickly getting on his bike. "minjun! minjun, where are you going?!" minjun's father yelled, "to prove you guys wrong! he's not dead, and I know it!" the boy yelled.

he shoved his bike to the floor once he saw joowon's house, "joowon! hyung!" he screamed, practically kicking the house's door. no answer. not even his parents were there. he ran to the other side of the house, where he would usually stop by to see his hyung at his room's window. he looked inside. nobody, just his friend's belongings.

that's when minjun's hope finally gave up. "" tears building up as he ran to the field him and joowon would always play at. "hyungie..hyung!" he let out a painful scream. "no!no! this isn't real! this isn't real!" he yelled, ripping out the flowers from the ground, "this is just a nightmare, it's just a nightmare!"

"minjun! there you are!" his mother yelled, getting out of her car along with minjun's father and grandma. minjun just continuing sobbing on the ground, surrounded with ripped flowers, he shook violently as tears didn't stop running down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry" his mom whispered as she hugged him tightly. / may 9, 2001, day after Joowon's death//

I know we're only on chapter 4, but here's a bunch of angst from tyunning's past life. I had my actor mode on while writing this, just to feel the pain minjun went through. and damn I started crying for real lmfao.

appreciate all the moments you have with the people you love and care about.

++sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes !

First, First Love / TYUNNINGWhere stories live. Discover now