Chapter 8

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You both lost track of time on the rooftop, but eventually decided that it had most definitely been too long for people to not get suspicious

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You both lost track of time on the rooftop, but eventually decided that it had most definitely been too long for people to not get suspicious. You climbed down just the way that you had climbed up, except Bokuto kept his hand on your waist much more often.

When you entered the hallway, it wasn't just dim now but completely pitch black. You couldn't even pull your phone out to use as a flashlight, you had left it in your room when Bokuto said the trip wouldn't take long.

You felt him grab your hand and your body tensed up. "What? I know my way around. I'm trying to help." You heard him say.

It's not that you didn't want him holding your hand— you very much did— you were just extremely aware of the fact that it was the same hand that Kuroo held the other night. You eventually decided that you were thinking way too much. If cuddling was fine to you then why wouldn't hand holding be?

"Okay, good. I can't see a thing," you said which made him quietly laugh.

You appreciated this new, soft Bokuto as much as you enjoyed his louder volleyball self. This version almost felt like a secret that you were getting let in on and it made you wonder how many other people knew about it. You liked thinking that you brought it out of him and that's why he's always been so nervous approaching you.

You lived in a constant battle with yourself over enjoying having these boys like this around you and not believing them when they were. Bokuto had called you hot without a trace of a joke in his voice, Kuroo had kissed you so passionately without a trace of questioning on his lips. Maybe it would be better if you just allowed these boys to do this and sat back to enjoy. How many opportunities would you have like this in your life?

As you spotted a soft light down a hall, you knew it was the one that your room was on. It always had that soft light on right by the baths. You turned to Bokuto and said, "Thank you, that was very sweet."

You turned to go back to your room, but his arm grabbed your shoulder and spun you around again. "How could I possibly let you go without this?" he said as you felt his hand go beneath your chin and lift your face towards his. He placed a soft kiss on your lips.

It was just a peck, but you felt it deep in your body. It was so sweet, so mindful, and you loved the way his calloused hand felt as it held your chin.

"I'll see you at breakfast," he said and you felt his presence disappear down the hall.


As you sat at breakfast the next morning, you became painfully aware of how your seat between Kuroo and Bokuto felt. Both of these boys, both of these incredibly hot boys, had kissed you. One was sensual, deep and so much more, the other was soft and pleasant and happy. Even worse, something told you that the other was just as capable of producing the other's style of kiss just as well.

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