Chapter 25

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You woke up the next morning with Kuroo's bedhead of hair tickling your cheek and the feeling of Bokuto's hair tickling at the exposed part of your chest

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You woke up the next morning with Kuroo's bedhead of hair tickling your cheek and the feeling of Bokuto's hair tickling at the exposed part of your chest.

After everything that had happened last night, you had attempted to climb off of them to go clean yourself up but literally fell to the ground as soon as you legs touched the floor.

"Jesus, (y/n)!" Bokuto had yelled as he came over to you and hoisted you up like you were a small child to carry you over to the bathroom.

He set you down gently and held your shoulders at you regained your balance and grabbed onto the counter.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and laughed at how disarrayed everything about you was. It was hard not to cringe at the disheveled nature but decided that it would be better just to let it blow over.

You were in nothing but your underwear and the big t-shirt now and Bokuto stood before you in nothing but his boxers as he held you steady. Kuroo was still in the bedroom as he was already starting to drift into sleep.

"I didn't realize you were literally going to lose control of your legs," Bokuto mused. "I mean I have heard of people fucking someone until they can't walk but that was no where near how bad it could've been."

You turned to him as you started to wipe some water across your face. "This is why I didn't lose my virginity to you."

He was pouting instantly and smacked your ass lightly in retaliation. "Hey now, I would've been nice." You gave him a look that let him know that you for sure did not believe him. "Okay, nice at first."

You rolled your eyes and turned back to the mirror, beginning to examine the spots that were now dotting your neck and chest again. "Could you guys go one week without all this?" you motioned towards the bruises.

You were met with a simple yet cheerful, "No," that made you turn back and look at him. "What happened to the Koutarou that was sad and hiding under the kitchen table?"

"Oh, I'm still him," he said, wrapping his arms around your neck and placing his chin on top of your head. "I'm just still thriving from a very nice night."

You laughed, it seemed as if you all were, but your body was also more tired than it had almost ever been. You gained a little bit of sleep from the time on the couch, but not enough to save you from the exhaustion of what had just taken place.

Bokuto felt you wobble again and grabbed your arms from behind you to steady you. "Are you alright?" he asked.

You let out a hum in response, "Let's go lay down," you said, turning yourself around in his hold.

He nodded before sticking his arms underneath yours and lifting you up just the same as he had to get you there. You nuzzled your head into his neck and clung onto him as he carried you down the hallway to Kuroo's room where he let go of you so you were sitting on the edge of the bed.

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