Chapter 12

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Kuroo watched as Bokuto slowly got up from the couch and wandered to the door

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Kuroo watched as Bokuto slowly got up from the couch and wandered to the door. "Dude," he whispered, "don't go bothering her."

Bokuto turned back to his friend and whispered back, "I think I hear her crying."

At that statement, he joined his friend at the door without hesitation. It didn't sound like you were talking to anyone anymore as you had been just before, now the room was filled with sobs. "I have to go in," Bokuto said, reaching for the door.

It didn't matter if this was against both of the boys' better judgment, the only thing that was on both of their minds was comforting you.

You were sitting on the edge of your bed, your face buried in your hands as hot tears spilled down your face. Talking to him was always so horrible, it would leave you in a similar state on a normal day when he decided to make his presence suddenly known in your life with a call. Today was extra bad as you had to face the conversation with him of where you were. You had failed to even tell him that you would be in another country.

He was never around to hear or to ask, just called enough so that he could claim he kept in contact with you for legal reasons. You didn't care to ever hear his words, but yet you always answered the calls because maybe that time would be different. Maybe you would finally hear kind words tumble from his mouth.

You didn't even stop your tears when you heard the sound of the door opening. There was nothing you wanted less than for Bokuto and Kuroo to see you like this, but you had no control over your own actions at this point.

Arms encircled your waist and a chin was placed on your shoulder as the sobs continued to escape your body. You hated the way that his words could hurt you so badly and so easily. It was clear that they had the complete and utter power to destroy you so quickly.

You felt another set of arms grab your hands and bring them away from your face. A voice whispered in your ear that it was okay, but you could hardly hear it. It felt as if your head was underwater.

Your body moved as strong arms guided you to lay against their entire body. You were fully engulfed by an embrace at all angles. Through your panic and overwhelming thoughts, your heart began to calm from the feeling of being absolutely cradled.

The way you were held wasn't harsh or overwhelming, but reassuring. Very slowly, you were able to hear the words that were being said to you as your head began to break through the fog that it was shrouded it.

You heard your name being said from behind you as you registered the sense of someone stroking your hair. Soft circles were being traced along the back of your hand as you heard words of assurance.

A few minutes of pushing your mind up further through the water finally got you to the point of being able to realize that you were encompassed by Bokuto's arms from behind and Kuroo was holding your hands. You squinted, meeting your eyes with Kuroo as you looked around, sniffing uncontrollably as you tried to swallow down your next sob.

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