Chapter 33

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That night the three of you piled into your bed after finally concluding your tears

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That night the three of you piled into your bed after finally concluding your tears. Having Bokuto rub your back slowly while laying your head into Kuroo's chest was exactly what you needed after the emotional night.

As you woke up that next morning, you quickly discovered that Kuroo was gone. You tried to move, but were trapped underneath the arms of your beloved, buff wing spiker. He was fast asleep behind you — you could easily tell by his steady breath that he was.

With a groan, you realized that you were stuck. Bokuto was definitely a deep sleeper. It was nearly impossible to get him to sleep, but once he was down, he was down for a while.

One arm was free from his grasp and you reached out, attempting to get to your phone that was sat on the nightstand. Thankfully, you were able to get it with you fingertips and yanked it over to you so you could at least have some entertainment while you waited for him to stir.

After a few minutes, you heard the door open and you looked up to see Kuroo standing in front of you. You quickly gathered that he was fresh out of the shower based on his hair being floppier than usual. He smiled at you as he looked down and saw your current situation. "Comfy?" he asked.

"As much as I can be," you said, "I can't really move."

He laughed and reached down to better help you wrench out of Bokuto's grasp. As you got out and rolled further away on the bed, he started to groan a bit which made you think that he had woken up, but instead he just rolled over and went back into peaceful sleep.

You giggled as you turned to Kuroo. "So what have you been up to?" you asked.

"Well," he said, putting his arms around you to wrap around your waist. "I woke up a bit ago and went on a walk. I wanted to check out Miyagi a bit since I'm not here very often."

You nodded. "And then got a shower when you got home?"

"Yep," he smiled before kissing you on the nose. "You know, I like the way you say home."

"It's just as much yours as it is mine," you said before turning to look at Bokuto on your bed, "and this one's."

He hummed contently before lifting you off the bed to set your feet on the ground. "I picked you up something while I was out, you know."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "What is it?"

"Just come and see," he said as he dragged you out of your bedroom. He brought you all the way to your little kitchen island and had you sit down before he reached into your fridge and brought out a coffee.

It was your favorite drink from your favorite coffee shop and you instantly smiled ear to ear. "Now this is a nice surprise."

"I got it without ice because I didn't know how long you were going to be asleep and I didn't want the ice to get all weird," he said which made you giggle over the amount of thought he had put into this for you.

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