Chapter 28

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Bokuto's mother was even more welcoming than any person that you had ever met maybe in your entire life

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Bokuto's mother was even more welcoming than any person that you had ever met maybe in your entire life. She seemed excited to see you even though she didn't have any actual warning that you were going to be going there outside of a quick text Bokuto had sent when the two of you got onto the train.

She offered to get some of Bokuto's older sister's clothes, but Bokuto quickly shut her up so he could give you his clothes instead. You thought it was charming and his mom laughed in response to his insistence. As he walked away to get dressed into his own more comfortable clothes and to grab you some, his mom turned to with a kind smile. '

You were naturally awkward, especially in this situation, but the way that she was acting made it easy for you to bring your hands down from twiddling your fingers around. She was genuinely kind, and you were starting to understand where Bokuto got all of his kind energy. "You know," she said, "he's been talking about you a lot."

You smiled as a blush bloomed across your cheeks. "He mentioned something about that. I hope it wasn't anything crazy."

She laughed at your apparent nerves. "Nothing bad, nothing bad. Koutarou just likes to talk a whole lot, but I'm guessing you already know that."

You laughed back. "Yes, I very much do."

  "Would you like some tea or anything?" she asked, as she turned away and started digging through a cabinet.

  "Tea would be nice," you said as you heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall. As you glanced over, you saw Bokuto basically bouncing up and down as he held out a t-shirt and sweatpants to you.

   "Me too, Mom!" he said as he threw the clothes into your arms. He was now in his own comfy clothes and with a laugh you realized his plan. He had gotten you the same exact sweatpants that he was wearing now and the t-shirt looked quite similar, too.

    "Are we gonna match, Kou?" you asked to which he nodded enthusiastically.

His mom hummed something about it being "so cute" as you started to walk away to where Bokuto pointed out the bathroom was. As you got to the room and flicked on the light, you realized that your face was bright red with a blush. Bokuto was going to kill you with his sweetness at this point, and now that he had a super nice mom on top of it and you could see his happy childhood pictures around the house, it was only getting worse.

He had mentioned in the past that he had two older sisters that were currently in school or moved out of the house and that his dad was often on business trips, but you hadn't fully considered how dominated by girls his life was until you were walking out of the bathroom with your new Bokuto outfit and saw all of the childhood pictures of him basically being smuggled by two girls that looked a lot like him.

The sweatpants he gave were loose everywhere except for your hips, but thankfully they had a string so you were able to cinch them in so they would actually stay on your body. The t-shirt was just as big as the other pieces of clothing you had been given, but it was fine to throw that loose fabric over you.

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