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The last two days were spent packing and getting everyone ready. Chance had gotten into contact with a few other rouge bases to let them know about the big plan. He was currently outside above ground because he needed good cell service. "Yeah ma, I'm alright. I promise I won't get into trouble." He chuckled to himself as he kicked a random can on the ground. His mom let out a sigh from the other end of the phone. "You'll be in my prayers boy, I wish you never had to go through this." She said sadly and Chance could feel his heart twang with pain. He didn't like causing this mother stress but it was always inevitable with someone like him. "I know. I gotta do this though." He responded and his mother said nothing in return. It was expected from her, he knows she wants to scold him, cuss him out, do anything In her power as his mother to stop him. But he's gotten too old for that. 

He continued his conversation with his mom when he heard something clatter to the ground. He glanced around the alleyway; no one was there. He tried to pay attention to what his mother was saying as his eyes scanned everywhere he could in the dark. Damn he sure did wish he was a mutant right now. "Yeah ma give me a sec-" Before he could finish his sentence he felt something cold and metal hit the back of his head. And that was all he could remember before it all went black.


Jahmier was worried. The group left a day ago and he hadn't seen Chance at all. He wasn't even in the bed their shared bed when he woke up on leaving day. Everyone was separated In groups to travel without issues. So maybe Chance was just with another group, but that wouldn't make sense; he'd want to be with Jahmier. He at least hoped he would. Adam took notice of the hybrid's stressed look on his face and started walking next to him. "You seem to be deep in thought, what's got you all frazzled friend?" He asked and Jahmier glanced at him. "Have you heard from Chance? I haven't seen him at all." He asked and Adam raised an eyebrow before looking at the group they were in. "He's not with us? That's weird. I'd expect he'd be here." He said with a scratch of his head and Jahmier could feel his anxiety starting to get worse. Now was not the time for an attack. He took a few deep breathes and try to not think about it. Adam placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light pat. "He might be with like the other leaders, don't stress it. Your boyfriend just plays a bigger role than all of us in this." He said with a grin and Jahmier's face got hot.

"He's not my boyfriend!" He said quickly and Adam laughed. "Sure, whatever makes you happy man." He replied before walking off. Jahmier felt a little bit better having other friends now. Maybe Adam was right, Chance is probably okay.

Symere was trying his best to avoid Jordan these past few days, he wasn't sure what about him changed but he for sure wasn't the same Jordan he met. Speaking of Jordan, he walked over to Symere and only stared down at the poor demon. "Yes?" Symere asked and Jordan said nothing as they continued moving. "You're moving too slow." He said sternly and gave Symere a light push. Symere stumbled on his feet and gave Jordan a quick glare. "My pace is fine, we'll be there in a few hours anyways." He mumbled. Jordan said nothing as he kept walking. Symere wondered if anyone from his original camp had survived. And he wondered where they could be now. Maybe they're with another group and he'll see them soon.

"We're here!" Someone shouted from the front of the group and everyone stopped in their tracks. Symere's group had to travel in the sewer systems, he was glad they got to their point; he was honestly tired of walking through this disgusting sewer water. There was a door way that led up to the main streets. He had no idea what time it was but he could only assume it was late at night because he didn't hear many people as he went up to the top. And he was right, had to be around midnight and they were smack dab in the middle of Central Park. Tents were set up already meaning the rest of the others were here already. Symere was surprised that no one had tore the tents down til he noticed multiple mutants were on watch. He saw Tyler and the siren he was with on watch. He assumed the siren was to lure any curious people away. 

He set up his tent next to Jordan's and crawled in. Tomorrow was going to be very stressful and tiring for him so he figured he might as well get as much rest as he could.

"Ok think about this, what if you used your siren powers to get someone to have sex with you." Tyler asked as he took a bite of his string cheese stick. Rakim looked at the teen with a very dumb look. "Dude, that's like rape. Besides I don't need my abilities to get niggas to have sex with me I'm just that pretty." He said and Tyler nodded his head before he stopped chewing. "Wait you're gay?" He asked and Rakim nodded. "Don't assume other peoples sexualities cmon now T." He gave him a playful nudge and Tyler finished his cheese stick. "How do you even figure out your sexuality." He asked and Rakim raised an eyebrow. "I forget you were an agent, they ain't let you socialize with people like that huh." He said and Tyler nodded his head. "Well, there are plenty of people here, have you seen anyone that makes you go 'wow I like how they look or act'." Tyler took a moment to think, there wasn't really anyone who he's met so far that has really appealed to him besides Rakim.

"You." He said casually and Rakim made an incoherent noise before looking at Tyler with a confused look. "Me?" He asked and Tyler nodded. "What, I think you're cool. And you're the only person besides Jordan who has actually treated me normally. Everyone thinks because I'm autistic I can't function or something." He explained and Rakim just went 'oh'. He stared out into the open as he thought about it. Tyler wasn't bad looking guy, and he was pretty cool to hang around but Rakim wasn't sure now would be such a good time to try and start some romantic story with him. "How about this, after this is all over what do you say to me taking you on a date. Sound good?" He offered and Tyler grinned. "Yeah that would be pretty cool." He said before the two settled into a comfortable silence.


A splash of water was thrown in Chance's face as a light burned bright in his eyes. He groaned and tried to shield himself only to realize he was tied to a chair. "The fuck." He muttered as he looked around the room. "Try not to struggle too much, rope burn is a pain in the ass." He heard a familiar voice and he looked up. Adam walked into the room with a glass of water and a wet rag. He kneeled down and let Chance take a sip and used the rag to wipe away some of the dirt on his face. "God you're such a mess you know that?" He said with a shake of his head. Chance was confused. "Adam what's going on? And why am I tied up." He questioned the Ethiopian. Adam grinned and did a gesture with his hands. "Welcome, to mi dungeon brotha." He joked and waved his hand. "I'm a pretty good actor don't you think?" He asked and Chance was starting to piece things together.

"You kidnapped me?" He coughed out and Adam raised a finger in the air. "Ding ding ding! You're such a smart cookie. Yeah man, you really thought I was just going to up and go rouge? For no reason? Yeah I fuck with Jordan but he doesn't give a shit about most of us. I'm surprised he's still rocking with ya'll dude's a full blown racist when it comes to mutants." He rambled and Chance could feel his blood boiling. "But that's besides the point. Thanks to you trusting me so easily, I was able to tell MIS when and where ya'll will be showing up. Don't worry. most of your plan is going to go well. Ugh I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see we've had the upper hand the whole time." Adam said with a satisfied sigh and Chance tugged at his restraints.

"Where's Jahmier." He asked sternly and Adam smiled. "I just talked to him earlier today! Poor boy, he was wondering where you were. No worries though I didn't lay a single hand on him I'll leave that to ol boss man. Anyways I have a rebellion to lead, hope you have fun down here. Tata." He said with a wave of his hand and walked off. Chance yelled after him and yanked at the rope. How did he let this happen. Much worse why did he let his guard down and leave Jahmier alone. Chance was going to get out of this. And when he does, he's going to kill Adam himself. 

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