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Jahseh's morning was fucking ruined. He was only supposed to be going to the store to pick up milk and other essentials and now he was sitting in his basement with a very beat up Jamell tied to a chair. "I'm going to ask you this again. Why are you working for them." He asked and Jamell just laughed as blood trickled down his face. "You can beat me all you want, ask me all these questions, do whatever. I'm not gone give them up. Not to some piece of shit mutant like you." He spat and Jahseh smacked him. He was getting more and more annoyed. He needed to deal with his nigga and then deal with the kid upstairs. Who was currently being taken care of by Kyle. Jamell spit at the ground to get the excess blood out of his mouth and looked back up at Jahseh. He wasn't scared, signing up for this job he knew he was bound to die sometime in the future. He just didn't think it would happen so soon. 

"I don't want to hurt you man. You're a mutant but I just need to know why. Why are you helping them kill us." Jahseh said once more and Jamell only shrugged. "You're a parasite. An intruder of their home. All Mutants deserve to die, we're lesser than them." Jamell said. Those words always rang around the back of his head. It's what his breeders told him when they raised him. So why not let the enemy know? "So you don't even think you yourself deserve to live? Jesus did they brain wash you when they caught you?" Jahseh muttered as he heard the basement door open. He looked up to see Stokeley walking down the stairs with a cup of ice water, he figured Jahseh was working up a sweat or just getting agitated. "Drink." Stokeley ordered him and Jahseh gulped the water down. He passed the empty glass back to Stokeley and looked at Jamell. "They didn't catch me. They bred me, raised me in their facilities and trained me. They showed me how evil and disgusting mutants are. Humans are weak and scared I won't dismiss that but they're still superior in every way." Jamell said and Stokeley gave him a confused look.

"Nigga what? You really believe that? You're convinced that humans are better than...us?" Stokeley said while trying to hold in a laugh. Jahseh gave Stokeley a confused look before looking back at Jamell who seemed pretty pissed off. "You don't get to disrespect them." Jamell coughed out and Jahseh rolled his eyes. He raised his hand to punch him but Stokeley stopped him. "I got this." Stokeley said simply before squatting down and making level eye contact with Jamell. "Listen dude. Humans are a joke, they're scared of what they don't understand therefore they try and get rid of it. Because they know some time in the future the world will end and mutants will survive. Now you can either side with them, who only see you as another tool or you can side with us. To be honest I'd side with us, we won't kill you if you fuck up." Stokeley said with a smile before patting Jamell's head. Jamell growled at him before bearing his fangs. Jahseh widened his eyes, so he's some sort of animal mutant. That's good to know. "Take his advice, just join us. You're conflicted deep inside I know it, you don't want to give your life to the humans they just tell you that and you listen." Jahseh tried to convince him and Jamell just stared. 

Jahseh let out a sigh and stood up. He transformed his hand into a knife and pointed it at Jamell. "Or I can just cut and slice you up until you bleed out and die a miserable death here." He said simply and Jamell broke. "Wait wait! Okay, I'll help you. I can, I can show you where they operate." Jamell said and Jahseh smiled. "Great! Just give me a moment." Jahseh told him before going upstairs with Stokeley. Jamell felt like his soul was leaving his body as a shadow twin figure over him stood over him. He smiled down at Jamells weakened body. "This is what we do? Agreeing with the enemy? You're weaker than I thought you were. I should be in control." Jamell's evil twin Melly hissed at him. Jamell didn't even look at him as he focused on breathing. "If you think I'm actually agreeing with them you're fucking stupid." Jamell said and Melly raised an eyebrow at him. "I just need to convince them I'm on their side so they can let me go. And then I'm bringing MIS right to their fucking front door." He said with an evil chuckle and the basement door opened. Melly vanished into thin air just as soon as Jahseh was back down stairs. 

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