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Okay, okay breathe. Focus on the target. Jordan let out a slow breathe and aimed down the scope of his sniper. He wasn't going to lie, this was a whole new thing to him. He was used to being on the ground being all up in the action, not a few hundred feet in the air on the rooftop of some skyscraper aiming down into some random mutants supposed hide out. "Nigga do you have eyes? I'm getting bored." Tyler pretty much yelled at him through his earpiece causing him to cringe. He wanted to rip the stupid ear piece out of his ear but he couldn't because he needed Tyler's help. "Yuh." Was all Jordan said in return and you could hear Tyler let out an exasperated sigh. "I keep forgetting you're like borderline mute. Hate it here." He complained and Jordan just ignored him. He went back to aiming down the scope through the window. He was lucky that the blinds were drawn other wise he would have had to take a lucky shot. He watched as the mutant finally came into view. She seemed to have been jamming to music and was in a good mood. Jordan almost felt bad for her, but not bad enough. He lined up the scope with her head and held his breath. He pulled the trigger and and watched the mutants body drop. He let out his breathe and spoke. "Target locked." He mumbled and Tyler responded. "Alright, we'll have Delta squad come clean up the mess for now I want you to head back to base." He ordered and Jordan nodded his head before turning around. 

As soon as he turned around a figure swung at him and he ducked in time. He quickly hung the sniper on his back and put his guard up. The figure stood in front of him; guard up as well. "You must be so proud huh? Killing an innocent fucking person?" The figure yelled at him. Jordan couldn't make out the attackers face; he wore a mask and the rest of his clothes were pretty much black as well. He didn't have time to try and play guess who, he needed to analyze every possible exit he had. "Jordan? Jordan. Did something happen?" Tyler asked through the mic and this time Jordan ripped it out of his ear and shoved it in his pocket. No time for distractions. "Fucking answer me!" The attacker yelled again and Jordan glanced to the side of him. The roof top was open with the only exit being the door to the stairs but the man was blocking him. So that left only one option; jump. He needed to time it correctly though. Jordan put his fists down and stood straight. "She was an impurity to this world, I did her a favor and erased her." He stated in a monotone voice. That sure got the man pissed off. He ripped the glove off his hand and Jordan watched is it formed into a large dagger. Mutant. Fuck. The man ran at him and Jordan took that as his opportunity. He nearly dodged the swing; getting cut on the cheek in the process and ran to the ledge. He didn't think about what could be below he just jumped and hoped he would land on the other building. 

Luck must have been on his side as he barrel rolled onto the other roof and pulled his sniper off his back. He whipped back at the other building and aimed down his sights. But the mutant was no where to be found. He furrowed his brows as he put the sniper down and looked around; it was so fucking dark he couldn't see shit. He heard the muffled sound of Tyler through his ear piece in his pocket. He silently cursed to himself as he pulled it out of his pocket and put it in. "NIGGA? ARE YOU DEAD?" Tyler yelled and Jordan winced; this nigga needs to take a few tips from Jordan about being quiet. "Alive. There was another mutant." He said and you could hear the sound of Tyler typing furiously. "That's weird, she was the only one in that area. You think whoever attacked you was with her?" Tyler asked and Jordan slung the large sniper back on his back and began walking towards the exit on the roof. "No. Followed me. Waited, then attacked." He replied and walked down the many flights of stairs. "Okay, well I need you to stay vigilant then. Hurry on back, can't risk losing you we already had issues with Alpha squad." Tyler said with an annoyed tone and Jordan could only imagine what the idiots on Alpha squad could have gotten into.

Of course Tyler was going to tell him so he didn't need to ask. "So you know how Alpha is mainly like spies? Yeah well agent 67 broke the first damn rule of being a spy. Don't get too close." Tyler complained as Jordan got out onto the main street. He pulled a cigarette from his back pocket it and lit it before taking a long drag. Agent 67. That was Montero. Jordan knew he wasn't going to last long. Wonder who he fell for, gotta be a siren it's always a siren that the agents fall for. "Better to work alone." Jordan replied and he could only guess Tyler rolled his eyes. "Dude no one wants to work with you because you don't listen and you don't talk. Like you could be in Charlie squad with everyone else but noooo you got issues with every nigga in there." He said and Jordan smirked. He turned a corner down an alley way and put the cigarette out. "Don't like anyone, only you. You're not like them." He said as he looked up at the night sky. "You know what that's a mighty fine compliment. Can't wait to rub it in everyone's faces." Tyler said and Jordan let out a chuckle. 

"How close are you to base?" Tyler asked and Jordan took in his surroundings, he was only a street away from the Harlem MIS base. "Close." He stated and Tyler rolled his eyes as he typed a few things on the keyboard in front of him. "Logging off." Tyler said quickly before disconnecting from everything and putting his head set on it's rest. He walked out of his 'work room' and out into the main base area. There weren't many people stationed in Harlem and Tyler was fine with that, it was less niggas to deal with. But it was also a bit stressful being the ONLY intelligent nigga in the area. It's like everyone from Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Delta squad were fucking retarded. Jordan was the only exception, he didn't talk enough for Tyler to be able to tell if he was smart or not. But his actions spoke for him; he wasn't as slow as the others and most of the time Jordan didn't really need Tyler but the company was appreciated. "Popped three mutants today nobody can top me." Bill shouted as he walked in from the main door and dropped his shit on the nearest table. Tyler rolled his eyes as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge that was poorly placed in the corner of the room. "I killed ten." Darold dead panned as he shoved past Bill and walked straight to his room. Bill watched him walk off and mocked him.

"Nigga always gotta one up somebody." He muttered and Adam let out a laugh. "You said nobody can top you and he just simply corrected your statement." He said from the couch and Bill threw his shoe at Adam's head and he dodged it. "Nobody asked your dumb ass to speak Amine." Bill snapped and Adam just shrugged and turned his attention back to  the tv in front of him. Tyler just sat on one of the many bar stools in front of their kitchen island. God how much he hated living here; it was like an open floor plan so there was no privacy besides being in your room. And Tyler's room didn't have working AC so of course he wasn't going to go in there unless he needed something or to change. He just wanted Jordan to get back so he could hang out in his room. Speaking of Jordan, he walked through the only entrance in this god forbidden cave. Tyler noticed the cut on his cheek and grabbed a paper towel from the counter and wet it a bit before going up to the mute boy and wiping at his face. Jordan flinched away from him and Jacques made a whistling noise. "Look at the two faggots all in love." He joked earning laughs from the rest of the charlie squad that was there.

Jordan sent him a glare and Tyler rolled his eyes. "It's all good he's just mad Jordan can pull both genders and he struggles looking like a roach." Tyler said and Bill tried not to laugh as Jacques sent him an evil look. "Whatever nigga, it's because ain't no females in this fucking section. Shit's bullshit." He complained and Tyler gave him a shrug and walked off with Jordan to his room. Jordan went to the bath room to shower and Tyler instantly jumped onto the bean bag he moved in to his room a few months back. He hated that he was always in Jordan's space but Jordan never seemed to mind. If he did he would have said something about it already. He picked up one of the comic books he left off on the night before. The only problem about being in this organization, was that you couldn't have any sort of social life or just even have a phone. Everyone you needed was always a tap away with the stupid ass earpieces they were given. Tyler could hear Jordan showering as he flipped through the pages mindlessly. He wondered what it was like being out on the field, having to kill mutants. God.. has Jordan ever had to kill a baby? Everyone seemed so numb to killing these things besides Tyler, because to be honest they still are living beings. Just a bit different from humans. 

Tyler shook his head to clear his thoughts, he hated letting his mind drift off like that and getting all mixed up. He didn't want to fuck up and go rouge. That's the last thing he wanted. Poor Mont..it's not his fault sirens are so enticing. It sucks he had to die though. Jordan came out from the shower and nearly forgot Tyler was in the room. He tightened the towel around his waist before grabbing some clothes out of his dresser and heading back into the bathroom to change. He came back out dressed and tossed his towel off to the side somewhere. Tyler looked up at him and waved. "Did you ever get to identify who attacked you?" Tyler asked and Jordan shook his head. "Had a mask on. Couldn't see his face." He replied and Tyler raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know he was mutant then?" He asked and Jordan held his hand up. "His hand turned into a knife." He responded and Tyler racked his brain for any documented mutants who have that ability. No one came to mind and he sat there with a puzzled face. "Don't worry about it. I'll kill him soon." Was all Jordan said before crawling onto his bed and laying down. It only took a few moments before he was fast asleep and Tyler took notice. He sighed and stood up. 

"Goodnight nigga." Tyler uttered as he turned the light out and left the room. Well shit it was late, he figured it'd be a good idea to go head and go to bed as well. It's not like he wanted to talk to any of the other coons in this base. He headed off to his own horribly hot room and got into bed. Wonder what MIS has in store for them tomorrow. 

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