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It was night time, and a Sunday as well. So there weren't many people out and about at the moment which Jahmier was thankful for. Because of course Chance had him carrying almost of the weapons he had planned on bringing. Chance was currently leading the way down the alley near the Brooklyn's base. "Hey is that too heavy? Here let me hold it." Chance said as he looked back at Jahmier who was lagging a little behind. He nearly threw everything into Chance's arms who seemed to have no problem carrying it all. "How is it not heavy to you?" Jahmier said while taking a small breath. Chance grinned as he slung the bag over his shoulder. "This is nothing compared to what they make us gear up in for cleanup. Jahmier made an 'ah' noise and walked along side Chance.

After a few more moments of what seem like aimless walking they appeared in front of a very large building, which Jahmier could only assume was Brooklyn's MIS head quarters. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and followed Chance. The two walked to the back of the building; which had a parking lot and a back entrance. Chance pointed to the door knob and then at Jahmier. "I need you to melt the door knob off." He ordered and Jahmier walked up to it. He placed his hand gently on the door knob and concentrated all his energy into his hand. Within seconds the door knob heated up and practically melted off; opening the door for the two. Chance grinned as he walked into the building; Jahmier trialing behind him. It was a bit freaky how Chance just walked into the place like it was own home. Then again Jahmier could only assume all the bases are built the same.

"The main living area should be somewhere around here." Chance whispered as the two tip-toed down the hallway. They made their way into the so called living room Chance mentioned and Jahmier couldn't see shit. The lights were all off and he feared he was going to end up bumping into something and making a shit ton of noise. "Fuck, stay still I'm gonna try and find the light switch." Chance said to him and Jahmier did as told. Chance stumbled around in the dark with his hands in the air before finally resting his hands on the light switch, he gave it a flick and the room lit up. Jahmier shielded his eyes until they adjusted and he looked around the room. This place was pretty..bland. The walls were all gray concrete and had little to no color besides black and white. "How can you live in a place like this." Jahmier muttered and Chance glanced at him and shrugged. "You get used to it." He said before pressing a button on the wall that revealed what seemed to be the bases artillery. 

Chance wasted no time in opening his duffel bag and shoving as many guns as he can into the bag. Jahmier's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "What are you doing?!" He whispered yelled as he walked over to the older man. "Uh getting rid of their shit? We don't want them to have left over shit to salvage when we burn this place to the fucking ground." Chance said and Jahmier's eyes widened. "You're burning the building down?" He asked and Chance shook his head before placing a finger on his chest. "YOU'RE burning the building down. Not me." Chance corrected him and Jahmier shook his head. "No. I'm doing that, I can't even control my powers like that to produce enough energy to fucking burn this building down." He hissed and Chance just sighed as he finished filling the duffel bag. "Fine. Then we go in every single room; without waking any of them up and kill them in their sleep." He said and Jahmier nodded. "As much as you don't sound convinced that's a much better idea than burning the building down." Jahmier told him and Chance just mocked him.

"And what building are we exactly burning down?" A voice said and the two men jumped. They turned around to find a boy; probably in his late teens, leaning on the door frame. Jahmier looked at Chance who was only staring at the boy. "I'm surprised they let children into this god forsaken program." Chance muttered and the boy tilted his head. "I know you, You're the infamous mutant lover." He said and Chance gritted his teeth. "You don't know anything about me kid." He said and Jahmier could see Chance tense up. "Yeah I do, they literally talk about you during training. You're the guy who fell for an elemental but was given a second chance. Let me guess, you did it again?" He asked as he motioned to Jahmier. Jahmier furrowed his brows as he looked at Chance. "What is he talking about?" Jahmier asked and Chance only just glanced at him. "Look I had planned on explaining it but theres no point." He said and the boy snickered.

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