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Jahseh was stressed out, everyone had been spending the last few days packing all things they deemed as important. Not a word had been spoken between him and the rest of the group, unless they were asking for where something was. The apartment they currently lived in had gone from being full of things to practically empty. Omar spent most of his time just sitting in the living room watching every one move around. He thought about Gazzy, wondered what he was doing and chuckled to himself as he imagine the slow boy reading comic books or playing video games. He was excited to see his friend one last time. "Ayo, dinner is ready!" He heard Frank call out and got out of his seat and joined the others at the dinner table. This was going to be Omar's first and last dinner at a table like he was in a genuine family. As for everyone else their last. 

"I made spaghetti." Frank said with a smile as he served everyone's plates and took his apron off and rested it on the chair. He sat down with the others and they all ate in a comfortable silence. Omar wanted to get to know the others more, but from his recent encounters with the few a lot of them didn't particularly take kindly to new people. Besides Kyle of course who hasn't stopped talking to Omar since he first arrived. "So we head out tomorrow right?" Rakim asked and Jahseh nodded his head. "And where are we going?" He asked again and Jahseh swallowed his food and spoke. "There's a small camp outside of the city we can stay for a day and then start our trip down south. I know a few people who live in Georgia that got a nice base set up." Jahseh explained and Rakim nodded his head. 

"Before we leave I can go see my friend yeah?" Omar piped up and Jahseh nodded his head with a smile. "Yeah I'll take you to see him while the others wait." Frank looked pretty displeased that Omar was getting such special treatment. "I don't get why he can go see someone but I can't." Frank complained and Jahseh shot him a glare. "You're a grown man you could have easily left the damn house and said good bye to your boyfriend but you asked me and I gave you an answer. Now you're stuck with it." He shot back and Frank rolled his eyes and went back to his food. Jahseh was right, Frank was old enough to make his own conscious decisions. Why Frank asked Jahseh, Omat didn't even know. Maybe because Jahseh was their leader? Stokeley scarfed down the rest of his food and stood from the table. He didn't say a worda as he placed his bowl in the sink and went to his bed room. 

"What's got his panties in a twist." Rakim joked and the others shrugged. "Okay since it's super awkward and quiet let's get to know Omar!" Kyle said with a chipper voice and immediately Rakim groaned and left the table with his plate. Only Frank, Jahseh and Kyle remained at the table waiting for Kyle to continue talking. Omar felt a bit put on the spot with everyone looking back and forth from Omar to Kyle. "Well uh, first can I ask how old you are?" Kyle said and Omar put his fork down. "I'm 19." He responded and Kyle nodded his head; of course he was still going to be the youngest of the group still. "What about your friend? Who are they?" Kyle asked and Omar felt his jaw clench at the mention of Gazzy. It might be his canine instincts that were kicking in.

"What about him." He stated and Kyle put his hands up in defense. "I just wanted to get you to talk is all, if he's a touchy subject we don't have to talk about him. We can talk about other things." Kyle said quickly and Omar relaxed himself. "His name is Gazzy, dude saved my life a long ass time ago and we've been friends ever since. I tend to hang out with him a lot." Omar explained and Kyle's eyes lit up as he continued to talk about his friend. He found himself talking for quite a bit about him and his friends adventures. Jahseh found himself being wrapped into the long conversation; a whole hour had passed. "Alright, I think I'm about to hit the hay, we got a lot of shit to do tomorrow, I suggest ya'll do the same as we-" Jahseh was cut off by a loud knock on the door. They all looked at the door and then back at Jahseh

They weren't expecting any visitors this late at night. Jahseh looked at Frank and nodded his head. Frank grabbed Omar and dragged him into his room down the hallway. The two scrambled to get into the closet as Jahseh walked up to the door. He shifted his finger into a small knife and looked back at Kyle who was franctically trying to clear the table and put the dishes in the sink. Once he was done he ran back to his room and locked the door. Jahseh turned back to the door and heard the loud knock. "MIS OPEN UP." A man yelled and Jahseh cursed to himself. He should've just fucking killed Jamell. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door. He got pushed to the side as multiple agents with guns rushed in, Jahseh's eyes nearly busted out of his head as they tore up his living room. "RUN!" Jahseh yelled and he heard the others run out their rooms. 

Jahseh saw one of the agents point a gun at him and he instantly formed a sword with his hand and shoved it through his head. The sword pierced underneath his chin and went through his skull, making a loud squelching noise. He pulled it out and swung at the next person he could see. He slashed at an agents chest and watched the blood gush out from around his uniform. Some sprayed on his face and he flinched but kept moving. Shots were being fired down the hallway as Jahseh took out a few agents that were in the main room and ran down the hallway. The first room he checked was Franks and he saw Omar using his fangs to rip an agent's throat out as Frank opened a window. Frank looked back at Jahseh gave him the okay to go ahead and leave, Omar let go of the agents throat and followed Frank out of the window. They had a specific point where they had planned in case this happened. 

He heard more shots coming from Stokeley's room and ran out of Franks room. Blood was splattered on the walls as more gun shots were fired and a scream yelled out. "Stokeley!" Jahseh called out and before he could even reach his room he was shoved against a wall. He felt a pain strike in his back as he looked at his attacker. Jamell was staring at him with a large grin on his face; fangs bearing. "You're very stupid Jahseh." He growled and Jahseh smiled right back at him. "You're stupid as well." He said and Jamell went to bite him before being impaled by a dagger formed in Jahseh's stomach. Jamell choked and felt blood pool into his mouth as he looked down slowly at his wound. "Should've done better research on me." Jahseh hissed as he felt the cold metal retract back into his body. Jamell's body slumped to the floor and Jahseh stepped over him and ran off to Stokeley's room. 

It had quieted down in the house, Stokeley was gone, Frank and Omar made it out. He could only assume Kyle and Rakim got out as well. Almost every MIS agent was dead. He tucked a loose dread that had fell out of his pony tail behind his ear and sighed. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. He walked into his room and grabbed his bag before heading out as well. More agents were going to be sweeping the place soon and he didn't want to be there to greet them.

They're meet up place was a park just a couple blocks down from where they stayed. It was pretty much them hiding in plain sight. He got there and noticed both Frank and Omar sitting by the large fountain. He let out a relaxed sigh as he jogged over to them. Frank had a cut on his left cheek that wasn't too bad. And Omar look unscathed, he did have quite a bloody shirt though. "Oh my god you're okay." Jahseh said as he engulfed Frank in a hug, Omar sat there awkwardly as the two held onto each other. "Ya'll stop being so gay damn." Stokeley said and Jahseh turned around to see Stokeley limping with Kyle holding him up. Jahseh let go of Frank and helped Stokeley take a seat at the base of the fountain. He had  blood coming from his stomach and Jahseh could see he had been shot. Stokeley winced in pain and Jahseh realized they shouldn't be out in the open like this. "We need to go, did any of you see where Rakim went?" Jahseh asked and they shook their heads. 

"I saw Kim' hop out of his window but we were cut off by agents, I didn't see where he went." Kyle said as he collected his breath. Jahseh debated on whether or not he should wait for Rakim to show up. But from the looks of Stokeley's injury they didn't have the time. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" Jahseh cursed as he grabbed Stokeley and helped him back up. Stokeley let out a yelp of pain as they started walking. Jahseh needed to get this group out of here and someplace safe. Rakim was going to have to be on his own for now as much as he didn't want that for him. 

Where ever you are Rakim, I pray you make it out alive.

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