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Jahmier was tired. He had been on the move for two days now and he hasn't found a place to settle down for a bit. In all honesty he wanted to just meet some other mutants. Make friends or something. As much as he hated social interactions he missed being able to have friends. He had moved deeper into the city; which he didn't want to do but had to. There were more agents deeper in Brooklyn so he couldn't really take to the rooftops anymore. They would spot him easily. So he took to the busy streets, blending in with the people as he traveled with no destination. Jahmier moved through the people and took notice of a local book store. He hadn't read a good book in a while, might as well take a look inside.

He opened the door hearing the little jingle and was greeted by the store clerk. Jahmier smiled and gave him a small wave. He noticed the sign that clearly said no mutants but he didn't care that much. There was a sitting area for people who wanted to just  relax and read which is what Jahmier wanted to do but not in that specific area. He traveled to the back of the store near the sci-fi section and grabbed  random book off the shelf. He didn't care what book it was he just needed something to escape in. He found a corner off from everyone and took a seat. He felt comfortable being secluded away. He opened the book and started reading. He had around ten minutes of interrupted reading when someone approached him. "I can tell you're the antisocial type. All cuddled away and nose buried in a book." The man said with a calm grin and Jahmier looked up. The man wore a red hat that had a large three in the middle. From Jahmier's point of view he looked mighty tall but Jahmier could only assume that he was maybe 5'8. 

Jahmier gave him a small smile and closed his book before the man sat down in front of him. He folded his legs and rested his head in the palms of his hands. "I don't mean to interrupt!" He said and Jahmier shook his head. "No, you're fine! I'm just not used to people just coming up and talking to me. Most people think I look evil." Jahmier said and the man let out a laugh. "I feel that, a lot of people say I have a really approachable face so were very different. My names Chance." Chance said as he stuck his hand out and Jahmier shook it. He was very suspicious of Chance. Any person who just walks up to him and talks to him out of the blue should always be considered a threat.  Chance watched Jahmier closely, the boy was cute but he couldn't tell if he was gay. He seemed like the type to be a fuck boy. But you'd never catch a fuck boy in a damn book story reading a sci-fi novel. "You live here?" Chance asked and Jahmier cringed. Oh god small talk, he took what he had said earlier about wanting to talk to people back. "Uh yeah I moved here a few months back." He lied and Chance nodded his head.

"Brooklyn's nice I guess, I used to live in Chicago and nothing tops my home town. You like it so far?" Chance asked him and Jahmier shrugged. "It's just the same as any other city, buildings every where, people everywhere, agents everywhere.." Jahmier rambled and Chance raised an eyebrow. "Don't like agents? What are you a mutant?" He joked and let out a snicker while Jahmier just stared at him. Chance noticed he wasn't laughing and quickly stopped. "What was that a bad joke?" He asked and Jahmier nodded his head. "You shouldn't joke about shit like that, it's in poor taste. Just saying." Jahmier responded and Chance apologized. Jahmier cracked a smile and dismissed it with a wave of his hand. Chance figured now was as good time as any to ask if he was single. "Did ya move here because of a girlfriend or something?" Chance asked and Jahmier gave him a confused look. "I don't even have a girlfriend." He scoffed and Chance raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?" He asked again and Jahmier shook his head. 

To be honest Jahmier wasn't even sure of what he liked because he's never interacted with anyone romantically. Chance was stumped, what the hell was he supposed to say now? Normally by this time he'd have them wrapped around his finger but Jahmier seemed so clueless. So Chance just figured he'll talk to him and get to know him instead. The two talked for what seemed like hours, but it really was only one hour. When someone entered the store and caught both of Chance and Jahmier's attentions. It was a skinny talk black man with dreads that hung to his ears. The tips were dyed green and he looked real ugly in the face. Jahmier took notice of the large guns strapped to his back and the bullet proof vest he was wearing. He was definitely an MIS agent. Jahmier scanned the store for possible exits, there was only the front entrance and that agent was in the way. "I'm looking for a mutant. Lightskin, about 5'11, got them stupid ass cuts in his eyebrows." The agent said to the store clerk and Chance whipped his head towards Jahmier. 

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