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Jahseh had never intended on finding this secret hideout at all. He just thought staying underground was the best idea for right now. But when he saw what looked like Rakim enter through a door he had to check it out. They didn't even mean to find Rakim; they were looking for him they just didn't suspect someone as high maintenance as him to be in a place like this. And at first it almost seemed like he was kidnapped by the other three he was with. Jahseh wanted to ambush them but Frank advised not to.

So they ended up following them. Which is how they ended up here in front of this base. Jahseh paid close attention to the knocking patterns the people used as they went in and out of the place. All he had to do was knock and someone would open the door for them. "Before I knock I want you all to be prepared for anything these people could be enemies we don't know." Jahseh had told the others and they all nodded. Jahseh turned back to the door and did the knock. They waited a few moments before the sound off the door opening could be heard, Jahseh took a step back as it slid open revealing Adam. "How did ya'll find this place?" He asked immediately. He didn't recognize any of them meaning they were all mutants. "You have our friend!" Kyle piped up and Frank was quick to hush him. Adam raised an eye brow and Jahseh nodded his head. "We've been looking for someone, his names Rakim. We uh got separated during a raid and we think we saw him go into there." Jahseh explained and Adam's eyes glanced in the room when he heard the name Rakim.

"Come in," He gestured for the group to enter. Jahseh still seemed a bit on edge but he obliged and walked in with the others. "I think we have a Rakim around here somewhere-." Adam was cut off by a shout from none other than Rakim himself. "JAH?" He shouted as he jumped out of his seat and ran to the others. He engulfed Jahseh in a hug and soon one large group hug was formed. "Holy fuck Jah, I thought you were dead I was so scared." Rakim said with a shaky breath and Jahseh just smiled and shook his head. "Nah you know I'm too stubborn to die." He said in a joking manner and got a smile out of Rakim. Jahseh was relieved, he really was. He thought he had lost Rakim forever. Being the oldest he was seen like a father figure to the others so it was his responsibility to keep them safe. He swore to himself to never let them get separated again.

As Jahseh was lost in his thoughts Rakim caught up with the boys. Rakim took notice of Stokeley's wound and winced. "Damn nigga they got you?" He asked and Stokeley nodded like it was nothing. "I know someone who will fix that for you." Rakim said as he grabbed Stokeley's arm. He took the boy over to what seemed to be the living area and looked for his other new found friends. He found Symere chatting it up with Tyler and called out his name. Symere innocently looked up at him and took notice of the new person standing next to Rakim. "Sy this is Stokeley. He's hurt do you think you could heal him? He's like my brother." Rakim pleaded and Symere gave him a small smile before leaning forward and placing his hand on the small of Stokeley's stomach. He didn't need to life the bandage because his powers were going to burn right through them anyways. "This is going to hurt a little bit so bare with me." He warned him and focused his energy into the palm of his hand. Like he did before with Jordan; black smoke began to emit from his palm and Stokeley felt a stinging pain in his stomach. He winced a bit but withstood it. 

Symere removed his hand to show the wound was completely healed and Stokeley's jaw dropped. "Dude what are you?" He asked and Symere only shrugged. "Special just like everyone else." He said simply and Stokeley thanked him. Jahseh joined the three and saw Stokeley's stomach. "Healing abilities? That's a first." He mumbled to himself; he was impressed. "Oh I want you to meet the people who brought me here." Rakim said as he looked around for where Tyler was. He found the taller boy walking out of the bathroom and scared the life out of him by snatching him. He brought him over to Jahseh and placed him in front of Jahseh. Tyler had a confused look placed on his face as Jahseh stared him down. "This is Tyler, he's autistic and couldn't fall under my siren's song." Rakim explained while Tyler just stood there awkwardly.

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