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Jahmier had decided to stick with Chance from now on. To be fair the man did save his life so in some sense Jahmier felt that he owed him for that. He heard the door open to the motel they were staying in and it was Chance. He greeted Jahmier with a smile and tossed a bag at him. Jahmier almost dropped it as he scrambled to catch it and opened the bag, inside was a ham sandwich and a small container of lighter fluid. "Uh, what's the lighter fluid for?" He asked and Chance snorted. "You've never had it before?" He asked and Jahmier shook his head. Chance let out a sigh as he walked over and sat next to the mutant on the hotel bed. He took the jar out of Jahmier's hands. "Because you're an elemental, your species needs certain things to survive. How have you gone this long without having some sort of sustenance?" He asked and Jahmier shrugged he never knew he had to do that. Chance opened the jar and handed it to Jahmier.

"You want me to drink this shit? Wait- how the hell do you even know I'm a 'elemental mutant'?" He asked and Chance rolled his eyes. "All elementals are documented and when Dmitri mentioned how you killed his buddies I could only assume." Chance said and Jahmier was a bit shocked. So the agents knew of him this whole time, what was the point of running if he was being tracked everywhere he went? It made him second guess staying with Chance, how could he trust him? "Go on and drink up, geez that shit stinks." Chance joked as he pat his back and stood up. Jahmier looked down at the jar filled with liquid and sloshed it around a bit. It definitely had a putrid smell to it. He only hoped it wouldn't taste as bad. He brought the jar to his lips and took a sip. Chance was waiting for him to spit it out because he could only assume it tasted like straight ass. 

But as soon as the first drop hit his taste buds he became like a dog when it needs water. He chugged the entire jug down and swallowed in one gulp before dropping the jar. He felt his entire body burn up, he couldn't tell if that was himself of the lighter fluid fucking killing him. It was like a rush of energy filling his body and he looked over at Chance; who had now taken a few steps back. "Hey uh, You're literally steaming. I don't think you were supposed to drink all of it you know." Chance said and Jahmier looked down at his hands. He was steaming, he watched the vapors float off his hand as he rode out this weird adrenaline like rush. Even his heart had quickened it's pace, like it was trying to keep up with everything else. "I have all this energy I could-" Jahmier held his hand out in front of him and a large stream of fire bursted out of his hand. Chance let out a shriek as he ducked and watched the fire hit the wall behind him. Jahmier quickly put his hand down and held it like it was some sort of weapon of mass destruction. It was but he didn't want to think of it like that. Chance grabbed some news paper off the table and swatted at the now burning wall.

"Fuck!" Chance cursed before finally putting the fire out. At the same time Chance was putting the fire out, Jahmier was starting to cool down. He was no longer steaming and he could feel himself cooling down on the inside. "Ok so maybe we shouldn't give you that anymore." Chance muttered and Jahmier agreed. He assumed because his body had never something like that before it had hit harder than it was supposed to. Like trying a drug or something. "No, no I'm fine. I just need to take smaller doses." And just like a drug, it's addictive. Jahmier wasn't going to lie, the feeling he had while going through that rush was almost orgasmic. "Okay good, you should be like stronger now. Which is good because I have this plan I've been wanting to hatch out for a while now." Chance said as he pulled out a map and placed it on the table.

Jahmier got up and walked over to the table to see what it was. What he thought was a map was a poorly drawn sketch of some sort of base that was downtown Brooklyn. "What is this?" He asked and Chance put a grin on his face. "This my friend is the MIS brooklyn sector base mapped out completely." He said and Jahmier furrowed his brows. What the hell were they going to do with this? "I want to take them down." Chance said sternly and Jahmier looked at him crazily. "Aren't you still on good terms with them technically? It wouldn't make sense for you to just bust in and kill everyone." Jahmier said and Chance pointed at him and winked. "That's the thing, they still think I'm cool with everything. So I can sneak you in and we take every one out." Chance said in one breath and Jahmier just stared at him. "I'm not fucking going on some damn mission with you! I could die." Jahmier said and Chance gave him a pout. "You're telling me you want to opt out on kicking some agent ass?" Chance said as he nudged him and Jahmier gave him a dumb look.

"Yeah, I'll fight some highly trained agents who could probably kill me within three minutes." Jahmier said sarcastically and Chance just stood up and opened the closet in the room and grabbed a few things. He came back to the table and dropped it on the desk. Jahmier's jaw dropped as Chance dropped two uzis and a very large katana. "What are you deadpool?" Jahmier joked and Chance nodded his head. "It's the nickname they used to give me. And I was also very violent." He said sheepishly and Jahmier just nodded his head. "So we just sneak in, me and you?" Jahmier asked and Chance just nodded his head. "Yeah I don't think it'll be too hard, we're both pretty good at fighting I would assume?" He said while his hands gestured towards Jahmier who just sat there with a blank face.

"I have literally no fighting experience whatsoever. I just happened to have killed people because I can't control my fucking powers." Jahmier said and Chance made an 'oh' sound. "Ok well I can teach you. Look take your arm and just aim and shoot fire. See? Simple." Chance said as he grabbed Jahmier's hand and aimed it at the spot he already burned. Chance kept a steady grip on him and to be honest Jahmier was NOT liking how close the older man was to him. "Deep breaths. Focus." Chance whispered and Jahmier brought his attention back to where he was aiming. He closed his eyes and tried to force all of the heat of his body to go to his palm. "Think of an enemy in that spot maybe it'll help you." Chance said and immediately Jahmier thought of Dexter. His ugly face appeared in his mind and Jahmier felt himself get more upset. His hand heated up and all of a sudden a burst of flames came from his hand. It landed on the already burnt spot and Chance let go of Jahmier and quickly put the burning wall back out. 

Jahmier felt his hand cool down and he watched Chance put the fire out. "See! All you gotta do is control your anger and direct it at them!" Chance said with a grin and Jahmier nodded his head; still unsure. "Okay you still look like everything I'm saying is insane." Chance said and Jahmier scoffed. "Because it still is? You don't think we can take down an entire base over night do you?" He asked and Chance shrugged and nodded his head. "I mean you haven't seen me in action baby." He boasted and Jahmier internally cringed. "Look how about this. We take out one team at a time? You see tonight we can go in and take out their med team. Easy peasy in their sleep!" Chance suggested. Now that seemed like a more sound idea to Jahmier. Quick and quiet, no need to get messy. "Will I be given a weapon or something? My powers are kind of loud..and destructive." Jahmier said as Chance pulled out a knife and slammed it on the table; causing Jahmier to jump a little at the sound. "Make sure to heat the knife up so you can easily stab them. And either stab directly in the head or the heart." Chance explained as he motioned with the knife. 

Jahmier swallowed the gulp forming in his throat as Chance handed him the knife and he gingerly placed it back on the table. "So are you ok with this plan? Wouldn't want to hurt that pretty face of yours." He said with a genuine smile and Jahmier felt the blush creeping up on his face. "U-uh yeah. We're doing this tonight?" He asked and Chance nodded his head. "Better to strike as soon as possible before giving them a chance to find out. No pun intended." He said with a wink and Jahmier chuckled at his pun. "And I kinda wanna do this fast so I can take you out on this date I've been meaning to ask you about." He said under his breath and Jahmier raised an eyebrow at him. "You seriously want to take me out?" He asked and Chance shrugged as he nodded his head. "I mean mutant or not my attractions still there." He said and Jahmier smiled a little bit at that. It felt nice knowing someone was still interested in him regardless of what or who he is. 

"Alright. We do this tonight."

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