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Eric dragged me by my wrist towards the brightly colored Ferris wheel towering above us. My heels dug into the dirt road halting any movement. He knows I hate these things, especially the ones that flip. Regardless every year when we visit the county fair he manages to force me onto this death contraption. I suppose it’s fair since he buys us funnel cake the next day. My best friend insists that we share my favorite treat even though he never takes a single bite.

“Come on Be, this is our tradition. We have to ride the Ferris wheel, please!” he begged drawing out the please until his lungs ran out of air.

“Fine but this is the last year, okay,” I repeat my well-rehearsed line from last year and all the years before.

“Great!” he grinned from ear to ear. I lift the corners of my lips in response; his smile is contagious, no matter how bad of a day I have he will always be able to make me smile.

I shuffled my feet as we waited in line. Sweat begins beading on my forehead my nervousness not helping the heat of the ninety degree weather. The ride comes to a sudden stop and as people file off the line moves forward. Before I know it the control man is locking us into one of the egg shaped compartments and we are falling back into the circle.

“Eric, I’ll kill you!” I screech when he purposely leans back and forth to move our seats.

“No you won’t we’re best friends we couldn’t live without each other.”

I am about to respond when the last person boards and we are spinning out of control, high above the carnival below.

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