Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"I think he's confused," I tilt my head at the pig running in circles around Be's room.

"He's just not used to the space yet. I'm sure he'll be fine by the end of the week," she insists.

"Well until then this little bugger is going to be my number one supply of entertainment."

"You can't keep calling him 'this little bugger,' it's rude," Be punches my shoulder.

"He doesn't have a name either so what am I supposed to call him? Personally I think little bugger fits him," I joke.

"What about Tux? It seems to fit him," she suggests.

"Where did you get the name Tux?" I take one extra look at the pig to make sure I didn't miss something.

"Yeah cats with that color patter are called tuxedo cats so he's tuxedo pig," she giggles.

"Sure, whatever you want to name him. He is your pig after all."

The stubby four legged creature snorted at my shoes. He looks up at me with aggravated eyes. It seems as if he knows I call him the little bugger. Oh well, the pig will deal. We laugh in harmony as Jordy rams headfirst into the caddy cornered plush chair.

Soon we have moved to the floor so we can get to know her new pet. Be is attempting to play fetch with the little bugger when I notice she starts having trouble breathing. It's probably nothing, just a minor side effect. Still I make sure to keep an eye on her for the next several hours.

"You want some lunch?" I ask.

"Nah, I don't feel hungry; you go ahead and get something to eat," she waves me to the kitchen.

I shrug and enter the kitchen alone. It only takes me a few minutes to make a ham sandwich but by the time I return to the living room with lunch Be looks even worse than before I left. Her face is pale, like it was before she fainted last week. I drop my food on the coffee table and join her on the floor.

"Be are you feeling okay?" I check.

"Just," she takes a labored breath, "fine."

"Look, Be, I know that you don't want to deal with-"

"I said I'm fine Eric," she hunches over, one hand on her stomach.

"Be?" I lean towards her.

Suddenly be starts hacking, it sounded like something horrible. She is kneeled on the carpet as the hacking worsened. I pull her hair off her shoulders, away from her face. With her hair no longer blocking my view I can see the pool of blood growing larger as her hacking grows louder.

"Mr. Lynn!" I scream in the direction of the stairs. "Be, you're gonna be alright. Hang in there, your dad is on the way."

Her dad flies down the stairs to us. His hands shake as he dials the phone for an ambulance. Be's figure starts convulsing and her shoulders shake violently.

The emergency medical technicians arrive in a few minutes. They took too long in my opinion, although I do wish they had been here instantaneously.

Mr. Lynn ushered me into the front seat of his car. We are once again speeding down the highway in the direction of the hospital. I have not grown fond of this feeling, flying down the road wondering if this is the day my best friend will die.


Be has been stable for several hours.

That's what the doctor from the emergency room says. Mr. Lynn and I are sitting aside her bed, she looks so relaxed when she's asleep; you can't even tell how bad her ALL has gotten.

A knock on the door draws my attention away from Be. In the doorway stands Valerie and the mother of her friend whose house she was supposed to be staying at tonight. Her blonde pigtails sprawl behind her as she runs to her dad arms wide open.

Tears flow freely from her eyes; I can tell that her dad is struggling to stay calm. After Val calms down for the most part I nudge Mr. Lynn and assure him that I'll take care of Val if he needs a break.

"I'm going to get something to eat. You all want anything to snack on?" he asks, standing awkwardly.

"Daddy can you get some Kool-Aid, please?" Val looks up at him with her puffy red eyes.

"Of course I can sweetie; anything for you Eric?" his eyes leave his youngest daughter to focus on me.

"Some water will be fine," I request.

"I'll be back soon," he kisses Val's forehead then exits to the cafeteria downstairs.

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