Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Tux is squealing like a maniac, I feel him pacing up and down the length of the sleeping bag. I slowly peel back my eyelids. The sky is still a faint gray, I groan and roll over to face Tux and Be. Maybe I can calm him down and go back to sleep.

Tux is sniffing me and then nudging Be, like something was wrong with her. Her face was softly buried in her pillow.

 "Be?" I shake her shoulder lightly.

Her body tips back so she lies on her side and I am greeted with a terrifying sight. I see blood smeared down Be's chin, pooling on her pillow.

I notice for the first time that Tux's hooves were stained with the red liquid and he is shuffling in circles by Be's head. Her eyes are closed but I can see her shoulders lifting to fill her lungs with air.

I quickly reach around in the blankets searching for my phone. I finally look by my pillow to find my phone. I dial 9-1-1 and reach for a blanket to wipe Be's face free of blood.

The operator is instructing me to say on the phone and stay with Be. I am exhausted by these episodes, they make life so much more difficult for Be. For the first time in the last few days I understand what she means, wanting it to all be over. If everything was over now she wouldn't have to be in this position, bloody and weak in her own backyard.

Tux won't stop squealing, even when I tried scratching behind his ears. I have decided to stop trying to appease him and accept that he will not calm down for anything.

The operator is insisting that the ambulance is only a few minutes away.

Be starts coughing, I notice there is more blood dripping down the side of her mouth. Her eyes are wide and frightened as she hacks on the blankets. She struggles to sit up and stop coughing but I guide her back to the pillow.

"Stay down; you're going to be just fine. I've already called an ambulance they are on their way," I rub her shoulder then pull her hair, clumping with blood, away from her face.

Tux has started to squeal louder. He is trying to climb as close to Be as he can get. The little bugger is obviously just as worried about Be as I am.

"Has the patient's condition worsened?" the operator asks.

"She is awake and coughing up more blood. Does she need to sit up or do I need to get her something?" I question franticly.

"Have her lay on her side with her head elevated," she demands.

I help Be move back down to the pillow when the operator starts talking again.

"Make sure her face is tilted down slightly so that if she falls out of consciousness again the blood will drain properly."

I pull her face down like the operator said then lean back and wait. Tears begin to leak from Be's eyes as we wait in silence.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt do I need to get you something to drink?" I prepare to stand and fill a glass of water for Be when she stops me.

"It only hurts a little," her voice scrapes out, "I'll be fine."

"I'm not worried. This will all be over soon, the ambulance is almost here," as soon as the words leave me I hear sirens in the distance.

Seconds later the ambulance is pulling into the driveway and EMT's are pulling the stained blankets away from Be. In the flurry of paramedics I lose sight of her fragile form.

I hurriedly lift Tux into my arms and take him back inside the house. He snorts at me in anger when I lock the screen door behind me. By the time I make it outside to my car the ambulance is pulling away with my best friend inside.

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