Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Curled up beside me in the front seat of my car is Be with a package of candy and a large soda. In front of us is the massive brick wall that serves as the drive in screen. I dig my hand into a half full bucket of popcorn before stuffing my face with the buttery fluff.

The first showing, Frozen, was almost over and up next is Be's favorite Disney movie of all time, Tangled. A faint breeze trickles through the open windows where the sound from the movie flows through.

As the credits roll out the title screen for Tangled fades in. Be scoots to the edge of her seat, eyes wide. I laugh at her eagerness to see her favorite princess on the big screen. Be reaches over the center console and back hands my shoulder gently.

I hear her tone deaf voice screech across the lot as Rapunzel sings, "When will my life begin?" People in the cars surrounding us wince in pain.

I do my best to hide a smile behind my jumbo bucket of popcorn. I watch Be more than I do the movie; after all, she is more entertaining. Through the first hour of the movie she bounces along to the music and squeals along with the actor's voice.

At the end when Flynn got cut and Rapunzel's tears began to heal him, Be cried like a baby. I pull her into my arms as she peeks at the screen through her tears.

For one perfect moment I dream that I told Be the truth, that I told her how much I love her. I close my eyes and imagine that we are a couple now. In my world we have as much time as we want to be together.

I am swiftly ripped back into reality when the music changed to that of the final credits. Be is still resting on my shoulder but she sits up quickly once the first page of credits have rolled through.

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom," I tell Be before I open my car door to slide out.

"'Kay, I can wait here," she smiles back.

On my way across the drive in lot I think about how many things Be and I have accomplished on her bucket list and all the things that we didn't manage to complete.

I tried to hurry as fast as I could to make it back to Be. I noticed she had started getting tired half way through Tangled.

By the time I made it back to the truck Be was strewn across the front seat unconscious. I shake her shoulder, in an attempt to wake her up and move her back to her seat. I watch as her shoulders rotate and her head rolls back revealing an all too familiar pool of blood.

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