Chapter 3 ~ Who's He? ~ Dream's POV

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omg over 200 reads?!?! i can't even believe this i just, wow. i'm so glad you all like my story and i hope that i can start publishing chapters quicker, it's just been kinda hectic with school work lately! ily all anddddd HAPPY READING! (and yes that has just become my intro/outro to the chapters, happy reading!)

TW: I don't think there's any for this chapter please comment if you feel I should add one though!

~ Last Friday ~

"Clay Miller to the office please, Clay Miller to the front office please."

"Ooooh Clay's in trouble."

My friend mocked, dragging out the last syllable in trouble.

"Oh shut up Nick, I'm sure I'm just being awarded for my awesomeness."

I stated as I sarcastically flipped my long blonde hair at my brunette friend.

"Yeah, okay, sure buddy."

"Clay, you heard Principal Watson, to the office. And Nick, get back to work."

I grabbed my bag and walked out of class, stopping to turn around and stick my tongue out at Nick on my way to the front office where Principal Watson was sitting at his desk. As I walked in, he gestured towards the leather chair sitting in front of him for me to sit down.

"Whatever I did, I didn't do it."

"Surprisingly Clay, you're not in trouble."

Watson was a pretty chill principal, so even though I got in trouble every other week at least, he was pretty cool about my punishments at this point.

He pushed a file towards me on the desk with a school ID on it.

George Davidson ~ 11/01/2004 ~ Junior

No one at Olympia ever looks good in their school photos, not even me, and I look amazing. But this kid, George, he was... not ugly? I don't even know how to describe him but it was like his warm chocolate eyes were staring deep into my soul, a little creepy but also weirdly comforting.

"This is George Davidson, he's a new student joining us Monday from the U.K.," Watson explained to me as I kept looking at the boy's ID. "I want you to give him a tour around the school early before first period next week since he is going to be in a lot of your classes."

Honestly, exchange students bug me. They always ask so many questions and it's really annoying, especially for the tour guide, AKA me.

"Alright, I guess if I have to."

"Oh you don't have to, you don't think I don't know about your recent shenanigans Clay? You have the choice of touring George around, or a week of detention."

Whelp, guess I was Tour Guide Dream now.

Dream was my online name since I started streaming minecraft with Nick around a year ago, who goes by Sapnap. Although most people just call us that anyways.

I wonder if George plays Minecraft. Wait why do I care, that's stupid.

~ After school ~



lol hey sap

what were you in trouble for with prince philza this time

lol nothing actually, i have to tour this new kid around school monday

ewww that sucks, guy or girl?

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