Chapter 5 ~ A Wake-Up Call ~ Dream's POV

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if anyone ever has any suggestions such as spelling errors or ideas for another chapter or constructive criticism, please let me know cuz i wanna make this story as best as i can to my best ability. i'm so glad y'all like it so far! let's get into it, you know the drill, happy reading!!!

TW: abuse


I woke up abruptly to George yelling and hopping off of my bed. I was barely comprehending what was going on, considering I was fast asleep less than a minute ago.

"Dream! It's 11:30! I was supposed to be home by 11 but we fell asleep!"


"George, slow down, what's going on?"

I attempted at rubbing the sleep out of my eyes to adjust them to the bright light George had just turned on in my room. It was then I realized, we had fallen asleep. Together. In the same bed.

"I. Have. To. Leave. NOW!"

"Okay, okay, no need to yell Drista is probably asleep. Has your mom called yet?"

"Yes like half a dozen times!"

I finally checked my clock and it read 11:38 P.M.

"George, it's already pretty late and you're still tired. I don't know how good of an idea it is to drive home right now. Maybe you should call your mom and ask if you can spend the night here."

As soon as I suggested the idea we both came out of the shock of what had happened. I remember now, I was nearly thrown off the bed when he got up... because I had my arm around him.

That was not intentional... right? No! For God's sake Clay what is wrong with you, you met this guy today! You can't fall for someone you just met.

"Okay, okay let me call her."


George stepped out of my room into the hallway whilst dialing what I could only assume was his mom.

I rubbed my temples with my thumbs, still barely managing to recall the events of the night's study session. I replayed what happened in my mind over and over until I was sure of what really did occur.

1. George came over and we studied for a while
2. We got Taco Bell then studied some more
3. We got tired and fell asleep and my arm HAPPENED to be on top of him when he woke up, nothing more

I tried to listen in on George's conversation, only catching the snippets from our end.


"No, no mum relax. Mum I-"


"Can you calm down so I can explain?"


"Thank you. Clay and I were studying and since it was late we got tired and fell asleep. My phone was on silent so I didn't hear-"


"Yeah I know mum, I know. I didn't want the sound to wake up his sister."


"I know I'm sorry mum. But we were thinking, since it's already so late, could I just sleepover?"




"Yeah, I promise."


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