psst, future readers when this is completed, you can ignore this

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hey everyone!

first i wanna thank everyone for over one thousand reads and still going up and up. i've said this before and i'll say it again, but i never in my wildest dreams expected for so many of you to see this. i really really hope you're all enjoying it so far! if you are (i hate asking for this) but would you mind voting on chapters? okay that's all for self-promotion sorry.

on that note, i hate to say this, but as you can probably tell, the gap between chapters publishing has been getting longer. it's because i've got about 3 weeks of school left so i'm trying to cram all my assignments and then i have finals, including an AP exam.

yes, i took an AP class as a freshman, yes i regret it more than anything in my entire life.

thanks to all this, i'm very stressed so i don't have a lot of time (or motivation tbh) to write right now. when school is out i will be trying to post as often as possible which i'm hoping will at least be once a week.

that being said, don't expect a chapter to come out within the next 3 weeks, ill try my best to maybe get chapter 9 out within that time but no promises.

i hope i dont lose any readers to this but if i do i understand.

everyone take care of yourselves; drink water, eat food, do something you love.

and until next time, happy reading!

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