Chapter 8 ~ Countdown ~ Dream's POV

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i'm just gonna stop apologizing for how late my uploads keep getting cuz it's just normal for them to be past my original "schedule" of once a week. hopefully when school ends in three weeks i'll be able to upload more often though! by the way, for this chapter get your music ready! i wrote a note saying when to start playing the song i hope it works like i want it to lol. well with that, happy reading everyone! <3

TW: Hospital and other medical things

I woke with an immense, throbbing headache at God knows what time. It hurt to open my eyes but as I did so, I blurrily saw I was in a room I recognized as one other than my own.

White walls and white ceilings with bright fluorescent lights. The only color pop was a baby blue door in front of my bed and the same blue colored tiles, alternating with a white checkered floor.

I groaned, turning my head slowly to the right and blinking multiple times in an attempt to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

As I pried my half-awake eyes open the last time, an extremely sleep deprived looking Nick grew a huge smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Dream! Oh my God you're awake, oh my God oh my God this is insane this is such good news I have to tell your mom and dad! Wait no, I have to hug you first! God damn Dream I missed you!"

The young, brunette boy flung his strong arms around my frail body, squeezing me nearly too tight. I was still trying to grasp the entirety of the situation and where I was. However, his mannerism quickly changed as he pulled out of the hug.

"What the hell were you thinking!?! Why would you be on the phone while driving!?! You almost died, Drista almost died!!!"

Slowly, the memories of what had occurred in what I was later told to be roughly the past 18-20 hours started flooding back.

"Drista... the car... George..."

"Do NOT even get me started on George dude, I already gave that guy a piece of my mind don't worry. Plus, he isn't even here with you he clearly doesn't care that much about you. What a shit friend."

"Sapnap shut up for a second."

"No! I'm serious! It's his fault this hap-"

"It's neither of our faults Nick!"

Shouting hurt my head, but when I recalled what had happened, I had to get my point across.

"Yes, I happened to be on the phone with George when we got in the accident. But I had the phone on bluetooth and was watching the road the whole time. Do you seriously think that I am that immature and stupid to put not only mine, but my little sister's life at stake to talk on the phone?"

"Clay I'm sorry I didn't realize."

"All I know is we were pulling through the intersection and someone came straight from the right side running the red light, they T-boned right into Drista's side of the car."

I thought back to yesterday, cringing at the memory of my little sister's ear piercing scream. I snuck a mere glance at her side of the car before watching the truck pummel into the passenger side of my small Volkswagen bug, smashing the windows and crushing the right side. From there, it felt like I was watching a movie of my own memory in slow motion. It felt like the world stopped as the small car spun, flipping over in the street multiple times. Just as fast as it had started, it stopped, and I laid on the floor of the car, listening to George's screams through the phone before succumbing to the sweet sound of unconsciousness.

I snapped back to reality to look at the sorry and worried expression on my best friend's face.

"Dream I'm so sorry, I just kind of assumed-"

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