Chapter 4 ~ Study Buddy ~ George's POV

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welcome back readers, i would do a smiley face but i'm sure i'm not the only one with ranboo and dream ptsd 😅 anyways, i'm back with another chapter! again, sorry some of these take so long i've got a lot on my plate and as much as i love writing, stuff like school and mental health come first. but, here we go, HAPPY READING ❤️

TW: don't think there are any, again, please let me know if you think adding one would be necessary!

"And that, is the science building."

I glanced over to the two story building of brick and metal stairs he was pointing at, but I wasn't even paying attention anymore. Clay, Dream, caught my eye the second I saw him, and I don't know what exactly it is that I was feeling, but whatever it was, it wouldn't let me stop thinking about him. He kept running his fingers through his perfectly blonde hair as the wind blew large gusts around us. It was so strong I nearly got knocked over a couple of times, it was quite humid but I didn't have the effort to take off my hoodie.

"George, George? You there buddy?"

"Huh... Oh yeah sorry I uh, I zoned out for a sec."

You've made a GREAT first impression George.

"Haha that's alright. I think that's pretty much the end of the tour anyways."

"Oh, already? Well thank you so much this was very nice of you I'll see you around!"

God I felt so awkward I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Um... first period?"

"Do you even know what your first period is George? Or where it is?"

Damnit. He caught me.


"Come on, we have English."


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you, we have a bunch of classes together. Looks like you won't be able to get rid of me that easily Georgie."

I felt my cheeks get hot at the nickname and Dream smirked at me with his, ironically, dreamy smile. Guess I wasn't going to get rid of him, but maybe that was a good thing.

Next thing I knew he turned quickly on his heel and started jogging off to another part of the high school.

"Oh Georgeeee, follow me!"

He turned to look at me as he was running off.

What on earth am I going to do...

~ During English ~

"Hey!" I was whisper-shouting after feeling something hit me on the head.

I looked up from my notes to notice a ball of crumpled up paper lying in front of me, it must have been what hit me. I opened it to reveal a letter, written in small messy writing, but legible none-the-less.

    (***) - *** - ****
    study buddies?
        - Dream :)

I looked around to see where he was even sitting, then I noticed he was directly in front of me, surprised I didn't notice he was there before. He is, after all, much taller than me. I always thought I was fairly tall, till I met Dream. I found myself staring, once again, at the back of his head where he had pulled his hood down once we were in the classroom.

I began to scribble something down on the other side of the notebook paper, giving up on paying attention to Mr. Hollins, he was only talking about some book they all read before I got there anyways.

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