Chapter 10 ~ My Story ~ Dream's POV

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i had a different intro written for this part here but this is now the final chapter cuz i gave up writing this like 3 months ago sorry
TW: hospitals

I love you.

Three words, two people, one kiss.

And the beginning of a legendary story, now all that's left is to fill in the empty pages. Chalk on stone, ink on paper, letters on a keyboard, the only difference is the story being told and the storyteller. My story is about George Davidson, and I am prepared to write a million chapters for this man.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm more than alright George."

We were in his car driving to the hospital. The hospital where my little sister had just woken up from a coma.

"I just can't believe it, she's actually awake."

"I know, me either Dream. It's amazing, look we're almost here!"

When I looked up we were indeed a turn away from pulling into the parking lot. My right leg was sore from putting all the pressure on it instead of my left one in the cast. I suppose I would have to get used to that though. When George pulled the car into a parking space we both unbuckled our seatbelts and sat back to look at each other for a minute.

"What would you have done if I said no?"


"When you told me you love me, what if I had said I didn't feel the same way?"

"Well then that would have been one hell of an awkward car ride. Come on idiot, let's go see Drista."

With a bit of his help, and a lot of hopeful hopping, we made it across the street safely and walked to the emergency room doors. The same doors we had to go through less than two days ago for a very different reason.

No, don't think about that right now, focus on Drista.

I shook off the unwanted intrusive thoughts and noticed George had already walked ahead of me. He turned around once he realized I wasn't next to him. When we locked eyes he just gave a small smile as if to say "it's all going to be okay." And he was right, of course.

"Hey, give me your hands."

"I'm going to fall if I do that Georgie."

"Then here, lean against the wall and put your crutches behind you, like this."

He did each step as he said it out loud, allowing me to balance on the wall enough to give the brunette my hands.

"Now, close your eyes."

"George can we just go to Drista's room I want to see her."

"Eyes, now."

I did as I was told, reluctantly watching bright lights fade into the darkness of my eyelids.

I felt as George gently held onto both of my hands, rubbing my thumbs with his, before taking them both in one hand and leaving a small kiss atop my knuckles.

"George what are you-"

"Drista's going to be okay Dream. You are going to be okay Dream. I'm here, everything's going to be okay. You once told me yourself, that you would never leave me, but what good is that promise if I don't return it myself. I love you Clay Miller, I will never leave you, and I will be here for you no matter what. That is if you'll agree to one thing."

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