Chapter 6 ~ From Her Past To His Present ~ George's POV

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welcome back :] i had a lot of fun writing this chapter and trying to get into the mind of a reader instead of the writer so i hope this feels idk maybe more emotional in some capacity to you guys? well i hope you enjoy, and i hope you're all doing okay, ily, HAPPY READING!

TW: abuse

Dream and I walked to all of our classes together again on Friday just like we had Monday. It was nice, we talked a lot and- Oh wait, that's not where we left off, let me turn back time real quick.

~ Tuesday morning ~

I woke up to bright, vibrant sunlight shining through my windows. Correction, Dream's windows. I completely forgot I was at Dream's house, and more importantly, I forgot the events of last night. At least I did for the first couple of minutes as I was adjusting to the daylight.

Everything came flooding back to me, like remembering a dream, only it was more like a nightmare.

I threw off Dream's hoodie that I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep in, grabbed my notebook, phone, and keys off the coffee table, scribbled down a note, and started for the door.

"Clay? Why are you up so early?"

I turned around quickly at the sound of a young girl's voice.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you? I was just leaving."

I think it took a second for Drista to remember who I was, and the same goes for me. My theory was based off the look of pure dread in her eyes as she heard and saw the unrecognizable boy in her living room.

"Oh, it's you George. No don't worry I was already awake."

"Oh okay."

I paused, contemplating whether or not I should give her the note to give to Dream. Evidently, I decided on yes. I walked back over to the table where I had left it folded up and half crumpled into a ball.

"Hey Drista, can you give Clay this when he wakes up?"

I handed her the crinkly piece of paper and ran out the front door before she could even say "goodbye."

I took a few deep breaths after buckling up my seatbelt and turned on the radio, hoping to calm my unexplainable nerves.

"Gooooood morning Orlando!! Welcome back to-"

Sorry mister radio man but I can not take your level of energy just yet.

I turned him off and pulled out of the driveway, glancing in the rear view mirror hoping to see someone. He wasn't there. He was the last person I wanted to see right now, yet at the same time he felt like the only person I could talk to in a situation like this, except maybe Tommy and Wilbur, but I didn't feel like getting a lecture and simultaneously energetically yelled at at 6:30 A.M. There was perhaps one other person I could talk to.

*Ring ring ring*

*Ring ring ring*

*Ring ring-*

By the third dial, Lauren picked up.

"George? What time is it? What do you want?"

She had a groggy voice and was clearly confused, I probably just woke her up.

"It's 6:30, and I need your help. I know I was mad at you and lashed out on you with really no reason because you were just trying to help me and I'm sorry I'm so sorry and I really need your help Lauren you're my only friend here I don't know what to do."

I was talking so fast and could barely choke out the words as tears began to spill and blur my vision. Quickly wiping them away so I could still see the road, I waited for her answer for a few seconds before she responded with a simple and confused "what?"

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