Chapter 7 ~ Room 249 ~ George's POV

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I'm so sorry about the cliffhanger and how long it took to get this chapter out so let's get right into it! Happy reading (or sad angsty reading hehe) :]

TW: Hospital, just medical stuff in general including čûtš

No no no no no no this can't be happening this can't be happening.

I pinched myself to make sure I was awake, that this wasn't the horrible nightmare I thought it was. It was real.


I was screaming through the phone, just on the verge of tears. My mother wasn't home; I think she was shopping or something I don't know. All I know is I was grateful she couldn't hear my obnoxious sobs. I stood up still shouting through the little device in my hand. Just hoping and praying Dream would pick up the phone. That he would laugh his beautiful laugh and just try to choke out the words through the phone and his wheezes;

"HAHAHA I got you good Georgie! That was such a funny prank!"

Except he didn't laugh. He didn't pick up the phone. He didn't call me that stupid adorable little nickname.

I heard screams echo in the background, the faint sound of sirens drawing closer and closer. I could hear shouts coming through the phone, louder than before.

"Somebody get the girl out and a neck brace on her stat!"

I heard a deep voice say through the phone.

"Yes sir!"

A female's voice broke out after the man's.

"Kortez, around this side, get the boy out! Be careful of that leg!"

It was the same voice giving the second order as the first one.

Wait. Leg!? What happened to his leg!?

"Yes sir, I need help over here to get his seatbelt off!"

A different woman's voice came through, much louder than the others. I assumed she was closest to Dream and where the phone was. At least, what I assumed was the phone. I doubt the bluetooth system was still working.

I just sat in absolute shock, terror rushing through my veins at the possibilities of what could happen. Sliding down against my wall into a pool of my own tears as I still listened to the conversations happening on the other end of the phone call with Dream. A boy I hadn't even known a week, a boy that had somehow made such an impact on me.

"Sir we've got a phone in the car of the boy and girl, there's still someone on the line!"

I heard who I had assumed was 'Kortez' and perked up.


I started shouting again through my hysterical crying.

"Sir, my name is Hannah Kortez, I'm a paramedic, can you tell me the names of the people in this car?"

"Yes! The driver is Dr- Clay, his name is Clay Miller! And the passenger is his 10 year old sister Drista Miller. Clay is 17! Where are you, please, I need to get there!"

"Alright, what's your name sir?"

I could barely breathe at this point and my heart was beating a million miles an hour.

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