Chapter 9 ~ A Walk In The Park ~ George's POV

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I'M BACK BITCHES!!! my god this chapter took way too long to get out and i am sooo sorry but here it is. yeah it's sorta like a filler chapter so not too interesting but its still progress for me to get back into writing more. i've gotten so many more reads and i continue to be in shock every day as the number keeps rising. im eternally grateful for each and every one of you for staying with me as much as i'm horrible at updating. be thankful i dont mess with yall like fucking ranboo and tubbo over here man, i bet by the time you're reading this they already met up. alrighty that's it, welcome back everyone, and happy reading!

TW: medical/hospital things same as last couple chapters

That's it, if there was any time to check in, it was now.

I pulled out my phone, not bothering to check any of the hundreds of notifications from the group chat before tapping on the top icon.


I press it, and I watch as a small box with my face pops up in the corner. Three identical boxes fill the space around my tear-stained, sleep deprived, puffy eyed face with the names Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy inside of each. One by one, my friends began to join the call.

"George!! Finally you call!! We've missed you man!!"

Tommy was first to join, a huge gleaming smile across the young blonde's excited face. Shortly after was Tubbo, with the expected reaction.


"Tubbo shut up for a second and appreciate that he's calling us now, that's all that matters. And I'm sure he didn't intentionally ignore us, right...?"

A pleading look in Tommy's eyes glanced over to my box instead of Tubbo's on his phone.

"Of course not, you idiots are my best friends. Speaking of, where is Wilbur?"

"Sup mate! How are ya?"

"Speak of the devil!"

I started to forget why I had called them in the first place, apart from obviously regaining contact for the first time in a week.

"Hey hun, who are you on the phone with?"

My mum walked into my room. Correction, what I had forgotten was not my room. As I looked up I remembered where I was still.

The hospital...

"Oh, uh it's Toby, Tommy, and Will."

"Oh! Tell them I say hi! Hello boys!"

She leaned down closer to the camera and waved to them all. A simultaneous Hi Miss Davidson! coming from the phone. She then gestured for me to mute so she could talk privately. Handing me a paper cup of water, she sat down in the seat next to me. The same seat lining the walls of the hall, a light grey with a half open back and a light blue cushion. Not the most comfortable, I would honestly rather be back in the hospital bed from the ER. Although I was only in there for an hour or two, it was surprisingly comfortable.

"I got you some water darling. How are you feeling?"

"I told you mum, I'm fine, just worried about Clay and Drista."

"I know, but Clay is doing fine, he was well enough to go out and see his sister so don't worry about him. And I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Miller and they said that you can go in and see Drista, if Clay doesn't mind."

"O-okay... Maybe later, I haven't talked to any of the guys in a week, I want to catch up first."

"Sounds good, I'm going to go get some lunch do you want anything? You really should eat something other than just hospital jello you know. I still want to make sure you're okay after you passed out."

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